The school of athens raphael

social 8 timeline|| Renaissance

  • 1337

    The Peasants' Revolt

    The Peasants' Revolt
    war broke out between england and france , it lasted more than a century,the endless fighting devastated the country side, peasants revolted because of the high run s and taxes they had to pay to finance the war, the revolts in england and france brutally put down by the authorities but the causes of the peasants unrest were not resolved. Peasants killed many nobles and burned houses.
  • 1347

    black plauge

    black plauge
    The plague was transferred by a ship that had soldiers with black and purple blotches,egg shaped swelling in their armpits.The dying were coughing, moaning, and vomiting blood. within a few weeks people all over the city began to fall ill and die.
  • 1450

    The printing press

    The printing press
    A German named Johannes Gutenberg developed a printing press that allowed books to be produced quickly and cheaply. You could print a hundred books in the time it took to write one. The books were printed on paper witch was less expensive than parchment. This made spreading of ideas easier and affordable. People became more educated.
  • 1492

    Age of Exploration

    Age of Exploration
    The age of exploration we a time where many europeans were on voyages to find the routes to europe to asia, but soon they travelers find a huge piece of land with many new resources, it grew contact with the aboriginal peoples and soon expand the trade and imperialism with the europe.
  • 1504

    The Humanist approach

      The Humanist approach
    The classical concept that was most important to the Renaissance thinkers and artists was the belief in the dignity and potential of the individual. They believed that people could shape their lives through their own efforts and talents. It is important for a person to have a open, curious and questioning mind.