

  • Virginai Slave code

    Virginai Slave code
    no negroes can carry any guns or ammunition
  • South Corilina Slavery code

    South Corilina Slavery code
    it says that all slaves that are somewhere else than the plantation without a ticket shall be whipped
  • Louisiana slave code

    Louisiana slave code
    any slave that hits his master or family will have capital punishment
  • New York Conspiricy

    31 slaves and 4 whites were executed because of rumors of the slave rebelion
  • Ancient Practice

    Slaves were punished by debt and once they paid it they would be released.
  • Decleration of Independence

    The slave trade was omitted.
  • 3/5 comprimise

    3/5 comprimise
    This meant that every slave was three fiths of a person
  • Period: to


  • Disastrous invention

    Cotton started to replace crops and "slavery became entreanched once again".
  • Slave Trade Act of 1794

    Slave Trade Act of 1794
    had a limit on human cargo.
  • Naturalization law

    Naturalization law
    is that the court had to record any aliens information
  • Missouri Comprimise

    Missouri Comprimise
    phorbitited slavery in lousiana territory
  • Land of the Free

    Libera became a colony by american slaves who were free.
  • Alabama slave code

    Alabama slave code
    any person who tries to teach a salve math and to write will be fined
  • Fugitive slave act of 1850

    Fugitive slave act of 1850
    this act was one of the most controversial act it stated that all runaway slaves were to be taken back to there master.
  • Kansa-Nebraska Act

    Kansa-Nebraska Act
    it caused a lot of probloms with people against slavery and people for