slave acts

  • 1706

    New York declares blacks, Indians, and slaves who kill white people to be subject to the death penalty.
  • slave trade act

    slave trade act
    this act was made so that no one could import slaves
  • 3/5 compromise

    3/5 compromise
    The 3/5 Compromise stated that a slave would count as 3/5 of a person in terms of both taxation and representation. It was called a compromise because it settled the ongoing arguments over regional power between the North and South. Therefore, they compromised that a slave would be counted as 3/5 of a person towards the total population.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    On this day, Congress passes the first fugitive slave law, requiring all states, including those that forbid slavery, to forcibly return slaves who have escaped from other states to their original owners.
  • Emanicipation Proclamation

    Emanicipation Proclamation
    this states that all slaves in the rebel territory were now free form any person.