Sir Issac Newton

  • Sir Issac Newton is Born

    Sir Issac Newton is Born
    Sir Issac Newton is born in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England.
  • Great Plague and Cambridge

    The Great Plague causes Cambridge to close which makes Newton go on his private study.
  • The Insprirational Apple

    1665-1667 During Newton's private study, an apple fell straight down from a tree inspired him to figure out gravity.
  • Designing a Reflecting Telescope

    Designing and constructing a reflecting telescope was the first major public scientific achievement made by Newton. This telescope helped him study optics and back up his theories of light and color.
  • The Royal Society

    The Royal Society asked Newton for a demonstration of his telescope. After this demonstration, they encouraged him to publish his notes about light, optics, and color.
  • Newton vs Hooke

    When Newton published the book Opticks, people challenged his ideas about optics. Among these people is Robert Hooke who challenged Newton's idea about how light was composed of particles and Hooke's idea is that light is made of waves. This started a 8-9 year long rivalry.
  • Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica is Published

    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica or Principia is published by Newton about physics and the three law of motions.
  • The New Direction

    After Principia, Newton got more into politics later is life and got acquainted with Enlightenment Thinkers like John Locke and him these thinkers beliefs.
  • President Conflicts

    Newton is elected president of the Royal Society and this gets him in lots of conflicts between other scientists and controls over younger scientists.
  • Sir Issac Newton Passes Away

    Sir Issac Newton Passes Away
    Newton passes away in Kensington, London, United Kingdom in his sleep. Cause of death is theorized to be