Significant Technologies in Household Management

  • Period: to

    Pre-Modern Era

  • Washing Machine by Hurley Machine Co.

    When the washing machine becomes common in modern households, it automates yet another arduous household task, freeing up a great deal of time - specifically for housewives. This time could be spent with the family. Collectively, inventions like this that minimized the amount of time traditional housewives spent on these kinds of chores also lead to more women entering the work force.
  • Upright home vacuum cleaner by James Murry Spangler

    With the addition of a home vacuum cleaner, less time was spent sweeping floors and beating rugs, and home cleanliness was easier to maintain.
  • Popularization of the automobile

    Revolutionized family mobility, which lead to significant changes in American home life and the marketplace. Mass-produced goods grew in favor over homemade items. Families could now live further from workplaces, causing migration away from cities and into suburbs.
  • Period: to

    Expansion of high school education

    Students were encouraged to graduate high school before entering the work force. One possible outcome may have been pushing back the average age of the American family.
  • Domestic Refrigerator - Kelvinator Company

    With a combination of cooler and icebox, the Kelvinator helped revolutionized how food was stored and meals were prepared in the home. This would contribute to less complicated and time consuming meal preparation.
  • Microwave Oven by Dr. Percy Spencer

    Like the invention of the TV dinner, microwave ovens brought new convenience to meals, allowing for less time spent on preparation and cooking. This allowed for more time spent as a family, but also eventually allowed for more time spent apart, as individual meals became more common and popular for busy families.
  • Post-War Housing Modernization

    By this time, most houses included indoor plumbing, electricity, a modern kitchen, and laundry machines. Less time spent on arduous chores meant more time for leisure and connecting with the family.
  • Popularization of home television sets

    Introduced in 1927 by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, the addition of TV sets in the home (not common until the 1950s and 60s) brought the focus from the kitchen to the living room, where families would gather to watch programs together.
  • Period: to

    Modern Era

  • Introduction of the TV Dinner (Introduced by Swanson company)

    TV dinners allowed a family to eat meals in a less communal manner. This change brought with it convenience, but these kinds of conveniences, to this day, are often blamed for weakening core family connections by removing the necessity of eating together around the dinner table.
  • Dishwasher becomes common in modern households.

    Invented by Josephine Cockrane in 1886, dishwashers only became common in American households with a smaller more affordable designs in the 1970s. This convenience allowed for more time spent with family and less on hand-washing dishes.
  • Period: to

    Postmodern Era

  • Period: to

    Popularization of Personal Electronics

    Widespread use of personal computers and cell phones change the way families communicate. Constant internet access changes the way families make purchases. Despite this, most families still spend several hours per week on household upkeep, grocery shopping, and meal preparation.
  • Popularization of open, centralized family areas

    To meet the needs of the modern family, home designs shrink and include open floor plans where kitchen and living room connect, allowing families to be together while multitasking individually.