Significant Historical events from 1919 to 1939

  • Start Point : Treaty of Versailles signed

  • The First Meeting of the League of Nations

    The Assembly of the League of Nations meets for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland. The US is notably absent, the Senate having voted against joining the League in November 1919.
  • The Washington Conference is Held

    The United States assembles the Washington Conference, attended by Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Portugal. The Conference results in a naval armaments treaty that sets a ratio for tonnage of capital ships or Great Britain, the US, Japan, France, and Italy.
  • The German Chamber of Deputies Accepts the Dawes Plan

    The Dawes Plan restructures the schedule of German reparations payments to reduce the amount of annual payments, and gives Germany a large loan.
  • Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    President Paul von Hindenburg declares Hitler chancellor, the first major step in Hitler's ascent to dictatorship.
  • The German Reichstag Passes the Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act gives Hitler the power to issue decrees with the status of law.
  • Leon Blum's Popular Front Government Comes to Power in France

    The Popular Front institutes social legislation and allows wide public participation in the government, but ultimately fails to the depreciating economy.
  • The Spanish Nationalists Began the Spanish Civil War

    Generals Goded, Mola, and Francisco Franco lead troops in rebellion against the republic, starting the Spanish Civil War.
  • Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica

    Guernica is bombed, and civilians are gunned down as they flee the scene. In this brutal massacre 1,500 people die and 800 people are wounded, but the military targets in the town remain intact.
  • The Munich Pact is Signed

    Britain and France appease Hitler by signing the Munich Pact, which grants Hitler control of the Czech Sudetenland.
  • The Spanish Civil War Ends

    Madrid falls to Francisco Franco's forces, effectively ending the Spanish Civil War. Franco's oppressive dictatorship begins.
  • End Point : German Invasion of Poland