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Significant Events in United States Hisory

  • Period: to

    Significant Events In United States History

  • English Est. Jamestown

    English Est. Jamestown
    Jamest town is an important event because it was basicley the first perminent English est. in the Colonies.
  • First U.S. Printing Press

    First U.S. Printing Press
    The first U.S. printing press was an important event because it led to writeing books and pubishing them which led to learing etc.
  • Rhode Island Passes The First Slavery Law In The Colonies makeing It Illegal.

    Rhode Island Passes The First Slavery Law In The Colonies makeing It Illegal.
    The first passing of the slavery law in Rhode island was a big punch in the face to other coloines. This is because other coloines needed to recoginze that slavery was bad not good.
  • Navagation Act of 1663

    Navagation Act of 1663
  • English Parliament Passes Wool Act

  • First American Library Is Founded By Benjamin Franklin

    First American Library Is Founded By Benjamin Franklin
    The first American library was an important event because. It would teach children in the coloines who werent wealthy ennough to afford books, that they can go to a location to read write and learn.
  • French And Indain War Erupts

    French And Indain War Erupts
  • The Stamp Act Passed

    The Stamp Act Passed
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    It was an important event because the massacre drew attention that there where major issues between the coloinst and British way of rule.
  • The Tea Act Takes Affect

  • Battle Of Concord and Lexington

    Battle Of Concord and Lexington
  • American Revolutionary War

    American Revolutionary War
  • Declaration Of Independence was Signed

    Declaration Of Independence was Signed
    The signing of the Declaration of indepedence was important because the world we live in may not be the same if they didnt even think of the idea. Our ancestors fought and died for the comeing about of the Declartion of Independce.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Battle Of Yorktown
    This battle was an important event because this was where Cornwallis surrenderd about 8,000 british troops. This battle also ended the Revoulatnary War.
  • England Officaly Ends Viloence in America

    England Officaly Ends Viloence in America
  • George Washington Elected Pres.

    George Washington Elected Pres.
    This was an important event because the coloines now a days the U.S. needed a leader a strong leader. G. Washington won very many battles, without his election the U.S. would not be where we are today.
  • First U.S. Banks Founded

    First U.S. Banks Founded
  • Mizzou Compromise

    Mizzou Compromise
  • Trail Of Tears

    Trail Of Tears
  • Annexation Of Texas

    Annexation Of Texas