Significant Events in U.S. History

  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
    This is the Day that the U.S. declared its independence from Great Britain. This day the thirteen colonies were free from Great Britain and became independent states. This is important for U.S. history since this is how the U.S. began and it's upbringing.
  • The Start Of The Bessemer Process

    The Start Of The Bessemer Process
    The Bessemer process was the manufacture of British steel. strong steel was possible a host of innovations. This process for purifying iron to make strong, but lightweight, steel. This event is very important since this event started to help the new inventions. It helped create them with this process.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Tensions between the north and the south over slavery. This tension lasted from 1861 to 1865. This war caused a lot of casualties between 1861 to 1865. I believe this war is important since it is the end of a very controversial topic, slavery. the bloodiest battel of the civil war was the battle of gettys burg.
  • The New Immigrants

    The New Immigrants
    immigrants have always came to the united states for economic opportunities and religious freedom. But not until after 1870 many families were moving into the united states to settle in.
  • Civil Service Reform Efforts

    Civil Service Reform Efforts
    The feeling that the spoils system corrupted government prompted a number of prominent figures to promote civil service reform. The civil service is a system that includes federal jobs in the executive branch. This event is very important to U.S. history. If it weren't for the spoils system, many would not have jobs. Also, this is the turning point for politics.
  • Restricted Immigrants

    The Chinese Exclusion Act limited the civil rights of Chinese immigrants already in the U.S. This Act is very controversial to Americans, because it feels racist. This is important because we need to not be like other countries and be racist. This shows the U.S as a hypocrite and reflects the future of the country.
  • Time Zone Change

    Time Zone Change
    Expanding transportations networks caused problems, therefore, the trains were having accidents. Because of this situation, delegates from 27 other countries made 24 hour time zones. This is important because it shows how we tell time in the U.S. and the world.
  • The Settlement House Movement

    An important goal of many Progressives, including those influenced by religious ideals, was to improve the lives of those of the lower class. They tried this center called settlement houses. They were community centers to help the urban lower class. This is important because it shows how immigrants became citizens and fight for rights.
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    Congress passed the nineteenth amendment, which stated that the right to vote "shall not abound or abridged by any sex".
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was the worst economic crash in U.S history. This event lasted 10 long years, 1929 to 1939.
  • WW2

    This was the second world war and it lasted from 1939 to 1945.
  • Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Close to the end of world war 2, the U.S attacked the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • The Development of the Corporation

    The Development of the Corporation
    To take advantage of expanding markets, investors developed a form of group ownership known as a corporation. In a corporation, a number of people share the ownership of a business. If a corporation experiences economic problems, the investors lose no more than they had originally invested in the business. This is important to U.S. history because it is a way the country has shown its capitalism. This new way of business is a great way to help the economy.
  • Vietnamese War

    Vietnamese War
    In this war the U.S joined forces with south Vietnamese to defend them from the communist north Vietnamese.
  • Americans Migrate to Cities

    Americans Migrate to Cities
    In the late nineteenth century, America had a lot of urbanization occurred in which the number of cities and people living in them increased dramatically.
  • Engineers Build Skyward with Steel

    Engineers Build Skyward with Steel
    The cities began to take their modern form. For the first time, skylines became recognizable by their skyscrapers.
  • 9/11 Attack

    9/11 Attack
    In September 11, 2001 Two passenger airplanes crashed the world trade center.
  • Barack Obama's presidential election

    Barack Obama's presidential election
    Barack Obama was the first African american president in U.S History.