Shipwrecks in the 1890's

  • Ashlowe

    26 January
    Ashlowe (Canada):The barque ran aground off The Mumbles, Glamorgan, United Kingdom and was abandoned by her eleven crew. They were rescued by the Mumbles Lifeboat.
  • Brankelow

    21 April
    Brankelow ( United Kingdom): The Liverpool ship, chartered by the Russian government, went ashore on Loe Bar, Cornwall during a gale while bound for Kronstadt from Cardiff. She was carrying 3,000 tons of coal which was salvaged along with her engines.
  • Admiral Tromp

    8 August
    Admiral Tromp ( Norway): The barque was run down and sunk by British steamer Ching Wo in the Thames Estuary off The Nore. The wreck was dispersed by explosives April–July 1931.
  • Benton

    28 October
    Benton: The 77 ton schooner survived hitting the Pollard Rock in the Seven Stones Reef, made it to Falmouth, Cornwall full of water and with her cargo of china clay intact.
  • HMS Serpent

    10 November
    HMS Serpent ( Royal Navy): The torpedo cruiser ran aground off Cape Vilan in northwest Spain in a violent storm, killing 173 of 176 aboard.
  • Ferdinand Vandertaelen

    23 December
    Ferdinand Vandertaelen ( Belgium): Foundered in the Mediterranean Sea at 37°N 06°E, with all the crew rescued.
  • Citation

    "List of Shipwrecks in 1890." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Oct. 2015. Web. 22 Nov. 2015.