Setting the scene for America

  • Period: Aug 31, 1000 to

    Explorers & Events

  • Aug 31, 1001

    Leif Ericson

    Leif Ericson
    Citation Leif Ericson was a viking, he found North America
  • Aug 31, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    Citation Between 1347 & 1351 the Black Death killed about 2/3 of Eurpoes population
  • Aug 31, 1378

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    Citation A peroid when more than one person claimed to be Pope. This made it difficult to know who to follow.
  • Sep 4, 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Citation Allowed for materials to be recorded faster.
  • Sep 4, 1487

    Spanish Inquistion

    Spanish Inquistion
    Citation Catholic court that accused people of heracy.
  • Aug 31, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Citaion Christopher Columbus in 1492, sailed a route from Europe to America, and set a route for regular voyages.
  • Sep 4, 1492

    Spanish Christians conquer the Muslim Moors in Spain

    Spanish Christians conquer the Muslim Moors in Spain
    Citation The Spanish Christians forced all the Moors who practiced islam, out of spain.
  • Aug 31, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    Citaion He was an Italian Explorer who was the first Euorpean to reach NA shores after Vikings.
  • Sep 4, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation
    Citation Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church and started the Protestant Church.
  • Aug 31, 1519

    Hernando Cortes

    Hernando Cortes
    Citation In1519, he set sail to Mexico, to look for gold. He Met the azteks, and made mochtezuma his prisoner. He eventualy took over the azteks.
  • Aug 31, 1531

    Juan Diego & Our Lady of Guadalupe Apparition

    Juan Diego & Our Lady of Guadalupe Apparition
    Citation Juan was converted to Christianity, and saw Mary on his way to Mass. Mary told him to make a house and to get roses. When he went to see the bishop about building the house, he poured the roses out of his cloak, and Mary's face appeared.
  • Aug 31, 1532

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    Citaion In 1532, he saild to South America to the Incan Empire, then killed the leader and the empire collapsed
  • Sep 4, 1534

    King Henry VIII and the beginning of the Church of England

    King Henry VIII and the beginning of the Church of England
    Citation Pope didn't let him didn't let him divroce so he started Church of England.
  • Aug 31, 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    Citition Council Of Trent
  • Roanoke (Founding)

    Roanoke (Founding)
    Roanoke was a town that mysteriosly dissapeared before its leader returned From Europe.
  • Jamestown

    Citation 3 ships landed here. It was Englands first foot laid on American soil.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Citation In 1609 sailed to New York and sailed up the river (later to be named the Hudson River). The next year, he made a northern voyage, and his crew killed him.
  • King Louis XIV becomes King Of France

    King Louis XIV becomes King Of France
    Citation King of France, ruled with absolute monarchy.
  • Marquette & Joliet

    Marquette & Joliet
    Citation French-Canadian explorers who were the first white men to cross the mississippi river.