section 3

  • Jan 1, 1400

    Guild System Starts

    A system where workers who have the same job worked together
  • Period: Jan 1, 1483 to Jan 1, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Founder of the Lutheran religion and also started the Church Reformation with the 95 Theses
  • Period: Jan 1, 1509 to Jan 1, 1564

    John Calvin

    Founder of Calvinism, he believed in predestination which is before someone is even born, they have a final resting spot already waiting for them
  • Jan 1, 1528

    The Courtier

    Book written by Baldassare Castiglione about how Renaissance people should act, included tips on behavior and proper edicate
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Jesuits Formed

    Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuits, they are a group that played a major role in strengthening the Catholic faith
  • Bank of England starts

    Helped England avoid major debt because it would loan money to the government at low interest rates
  • Period: to

    Cottage Industry

    Manufacturing happened at home rather than a factory and would allow for whole families to work
  • Period: to

    Putting-Out System

    Merchants would have the cottage workers make the stuff for them and then would sell it after it is completed
  • Reading Revolution

    Literacy rates skyrocketed all over Europe and books were in really high demand
  • Emile, or On Education

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau's book on raising a child and how both of the parents have jobs to supply for their child
  • Sadler Report

    Michael Sadler wrote a report on the conditions he saw in the factories and led to new labor laws in England
  • Factory Act of 1833

    Was an act that helped the conditions of factories, they would put restrictions on age limit and amount of hours one could work a week