War game 2880x1800

Second World War Period

  • Period: to

    Labour and the Trade Unions

  • Republic of Weimar

    Republic of Weimar
    The name of the German Government at the time of the Depression. A new government took over when the Kaiser abdicated. The first president was Friedrich Ebert, who belongs to the Social Democratic Party.
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    General Strike

    Unions were in a strong postion after World War One.
    Trouble in the coal industry led to the General Strike.
    The Samuel Report was fair but nobody liked it.
    The General Strike began when the subsidy ended.
    The strikers couldn't close the country down.
  • Adolf Hitler comes to power

    Adolf Hitler comes to power
    -The Nazis lost seats in the elections.
    -The Nazis used dirty tricks to win in 1933.
    -Hitler changed the Law to gain control.
    -The Night of the Long Knives.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    Is an autobiographical book wrote by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, in which he outlines his political ideology and the future plans for Germany. He wrote 6 main ideas:
    -Believed Aryan races were a master race.
    -Would join Austria and Germany (Anschluss).
    -Would reverse Versailles treaty.
    -Would create a greater Germany.
    -Germans had a right to Lebenstaum (more space to live).
  • Trade Disputes Act

    Trade Disputes Act
    The Act made it illegal for a union to join a general strike or a sympathy strike (one where you go on strike to support workers from a different union).
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    The Wall Street Crash in 1929 started the Depression:
    -The First World War had drained Britain's resources.
    -Britain's staple industries were outdated.
  • Period: to

    Breakdown of International Order

  • Great Depression of the 1930s

    Great Depression of the 1930s
    It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. The Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the world's economy can decline. The depression originated in the U.S., after the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929, and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday).
  • Import Duties Act

    Import Duties Act
    This made goods coming from abroad more expensive than British goods and increased sales of British products. This 10% tax also gave the Government a valuable new income.
  • British Union of Fascists

    British Union of Fascists
    Led by Oswald Mosley (Oswald Mosley's Blackshirt fascist party).
  • Night of Long Knives

    Night of Long Knives
    Hitler had opposition (Ernst Röhm). Hitler sent his own men to arrest Röhm and others. Von Schleicher and Röhm were killed. The SA had been destroyed. And a month later, Hitler combined the posts of Chancellor and President, made himself Commander-in-Chief of the Army, and was called Der Führer (the leader).
  • Mussolini invade Abyssinia

    Mussolini invade Abyssinia
    Mussolini invade Abyssinia because it was well-positioned for Italy to add to her lands in Africa.
  • Jesse Owens

    Jesse Owens
    He won four medals at the Berlin Olympics in 1936.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Spain had always been a divided country.
    The political situation changed in 1939.
    The army soon grew tired of the Republic.
    The civil war set Republicans against Nationalists.
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    Anti-Comintern Pact
    Italy joined Japan and Germany in the Anti-Comintern Pact.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Chamberlain agree to allow Hitler to take the whole of the Sudetenland in the Munich Agreement.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    -A Jew murdered a German diplomat in Paris.
    -Thousands of Jewish shops were smashed, and thousands of Jews arrested.
    -Nazi propaganda made people believe that the Jews were bad for Germany.
    -People believed the camps were labour camps.
    -Nazi policy became more terrible as they tried to exterminate the Jewish race.
  • Causes of the Second World War

    Causes of the Second World War
    The atmosphere in Europe was tense.
    In March 1936 Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland.
    Hitler then turned his attention to Austria.
    Hitler pressurized Czechoslovakia in 1938.
    Britain and Frace protested in Germany.
    The Munich Agreement was an example of appeasement.
    In March 1939 Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia.
    The USSR made a pact with Hitler.
    The road to the Second World War.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Britain declare war on Germany

    Britain declare war on Germany
    When Hitler invaded Polad in September 1939, Britain and France ordered him to leave. He ignored them and Britan declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939.
  • Independent Labour Party

    Independent Labour Party
    The Independent Labour Party wanted to achive:
    -An eight-hour working day.
    -Sickness benefits.
    -Unemployment benefits.
    -Widow's pensions.
    -Help for the infirm.
  • Scottish Labour Party

    Scottish Labour Party
    James Keir Hardie formed the Scottish Labour Party.