15 weeks

Second Trimester

  • Month 4; The Baby

    Month 4; The Baby
    The babies skin is pink and transparent. The baby will be 6-7 inches long and 4-5 ounces.
  • Period: to

    Second Trimester

  • Month 4; The Body

    Month 4; The Body
    Your appetite will increase as morning sickness goes away. Your body will grow bigger and you might feel the baby begin to move.
  • Month 4; Prenatal Care

    Month 4; Prenatal Care
    Have one prenatal care visit each month. Some woman need extra iron in their diet. You'll begin to gain a pound a week.
  • Month 5; The Baby

    Month 5; The Baby
    The baby will begin to become more active and you'll start to see hand or toe prints. The baby will sleep at regular intervals. The baby will be 10 inches long and will weigh 1-1 1/2 pounds.
  • Month 5; The Body

    Month 5; The Body
    You will feel the baby move. The uterus will have grown to about hte length of your belly button. You will have an increased heart rate and will need to rest when needed.
  • Month 5; Prenatal Care

    Month 5; Prenatal Care
    Eat a heathy and nutritious diet and drink lots of milk, juice, and water. At the prenatal checkup, you will have an ultrasound to check the babies anatomy.
  • Month 6; The Baby

    Month 6; The Baby
    The babies skin will be red and wrinkled with hair. Their eyelids will begin to part and open. The baby will be about 12 inches long and will weigh 1 1/2 - 2 pund
  • Month 6; The Body

    Month 6; The Body
    The baby will be strongly kicking. Your skin might start to itch. Your back will begin to hurt due to the weight gain.
  • Month 6; Prenatal Care

    Month 6; Prenatal Care
    You may be constipated drink more water or fruit juice and add more fiber to your diet. You may experience heartburn, so eat 4 to 5 small meals each day and take tums. Do not use laxatives. At the prenatal checkup, you will take a blood test for gestational diabetes.