Last ned (2)


  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    She born in Warsaw. She used the radioactivity word for the first time. She found polio and radius. She won two nobels.
  • Lise Meitner

    Lise Meitner
    Austrian physicist. She studyed radiation and nuclear physics. She found element 109 (meitnerium).
  • Emmy Noether

    Emmy Noether
    She clarified various concepts of relativity. She studied abstract mathematical aspects. She discovered the Noethriac ring.
  • Rita Levi-Montalcini

    Rita Levi-Montalcini
    Italian. She studied medicine and specialized in neurosurgeon. She won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. She found Ngf protein.
  • Doroty Crowfoot Hodking

    Doroty Crowfoot Hodking
    She was an English chemist. She identified the three-dimensional biomolecule picture (penicillin, cholesterol, B12 protein and insulin). She won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • Hedy Lamarr

    Hedy Lamarr
    Austrian inventor and actress. She invented the spread spectrum system, but she didn't get any money.
  • Rosalind Elsie Franklin

    Rosalind Elsie Franklin
    English. She made the most accurate photo of DNA.His students won the Nobel Prize for DNA models. But they didn't mention her name.
  • Evelyn Boyd Graville

    Evelyn Boyd Graville
    She lived in Washinton. She created the Space Orbit Calculation Program. She participated in IBM, Vanguard, Mercury, Apollo projects. She was the first black woman to earn Cause Honoris.
  • Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall
    She was born in London. She learned the secretariat. In 1960 she went to Tanzania. She studied the behavior of human and family in monkeys. She graduated in ethology in 1965.