
  • Identifies properties of objects

    Identifies properties of objects
    States properties of objects such as leaves, shells, rocks,
    water, and insects.
  • Materials, tools, and safety procedures

    Materials, tools, and safety procedures
    Uses tools such as magnifiers, balances, scales,
    thermometers, measuring cups, and spoons when engaged in
    investigations. Appropriate precautions, procedures, and safety
    equipment when doing investigations.
  • Classifies and arranges groups

    Classifies and arranges groups
    Groups seeds by color, texture, and size; groups objects by
    whether they float or sink; groups rocks by texture, color, and
  • Asks and answers questions about objects

    Asks and answers questions about objects
    Observes and asks questions about a variety of objects and
    discusses how they are alike and different.
  • Describes an observation

    Describes an observation
    Draws pictures of plant growth; notes color,
    number of leaves; labels plant parts
  • Discusses that organisms

    Discusses that organisms
    Learns that children need air, water, food, shelter, and care,learns that plants need light, air, water, learns that animals need air, water, food, and shelter.
  • Observes life cycles

    Observes life cycles
    Life cycles of butterflies, mealworms, plants,
    and/or humans.
  • Observes living things

    Observes living things
    Observes classroom plants; takes nature walks and field trips.
  • Structures/parts of living things

    Structures/parts of living things
    Observes that butterflies have wings, legs, and antennae; plants
    have roots, leaves and flowers; and people have a head, a
    body, skin and hair.
  • Separates or sorts a groups by properties

    Separates or sorts a groups by properties
    Compares and sorts objects by shape, size, mass, and color