Sarahs Road to the Revolution

  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment was the period in the American colonies when there was a revival of religion and searching for spiritual meaning. This lead to religous tolerance amongst the colonists and helped fuel the fire for independance. I would rate this 8 because this gave the colonist a feeling of independance.
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

    This was the war that England and the American colonies fought agaisnt the French. Colonist werent allowed to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains so they wouldn't bother the Natives, but instead the colonist trespassed onto the Natives land. The Natives took action and attacked the colonist therefore starting the French and Indian War. I rate this a 4 because this was more in the beggining.
  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    Proclamation Line of 1763
    The Proclamation Line was the line seperating the colonists from the Natives. The colonist were not allowed to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains, although not all colonists agreed with this. I would rate this 6 because it shows how the colonist did not agree with the British.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was when taxes were placed on stamps and all the printed documents had to have a stamp on it. This angered the colonist and they responded by boycotting british goods. I rate this a 6, because this was one of the first acts the british placed on the colonist which made them rebel.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was when five colonist died on the street. Colonial protesters had an incident with British troops and the British troops fired into the crowd. I rate the Boston Massacre a 7, because this showed that the British were ruthless and stop at nothing.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act was when the British established a tax on tea. The tax was to help pay off the debt from The French and Indian War. I rate this an 8 because this made the colonist want to take action.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This event was organized by the Sons of Liberty, to protest against the British tax on tea. This group dressed up as Natives and snuck onto British boats and threw cases of tea into the Boston Harbor. I rate this a 10 because this displayed their first act of rebellion
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    Representatives met in Philiadelphia to talk about the Intolerable Acts. They sent a letter to King George III asking to repeal the acts but King George III never responded. I rate this 6 because the colonist were angry enough to write a letter but also willing to end things peacefully.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts were issued after the Boston Tea Party to punish the colonists. The punishments included no trial by jury, colonists had to house and feed British soldiers and ships were not allowed to enter or leave the Boston Harbor. I rate this 8 because this made everything extremely difficult for the colonist, especially the blockade, which made the colonist want to fight back.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    British troops thought weapons were being kept at Concord. On the way to Concord the soldiers encountered the farmers and militia at Lexington. The British defeated the colonist at both Lexington and Concord. I rate this 8 because the colonist actually fought the British physically.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Delegates meet again to discuss Lexington and Concord. The delegates were split about independance but most delegates chose to support it. Delegates set up a comittee to write the Declaration of Independance. I rate this 9 because they are finally letting the British know what they want.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    This document was written by Thomas Jefferson declaring our independance. The Declaration of Independance lists 27 examples of British tyranny. I rate this 10 because this was the final event.