San Andreas fault earthquakes

  • Fort Tejon

    Fort Tejon
    • in 1857 about 350 km of land was ruptured in central and southern california
  • san francisco earthquake

    san francisco earthquake
    in 1906 about 430 km were ruptured there was about 3000 recorded deaths in this earthquake.
  • san francisco earthquake 1957

    san francisco earthquake 1957
    a minor earthquake a occurred in 1957 with a magnitude of 5.7 earthquake on the western side of san francisco in the ocean
  • loma prieta earthquake

    loma prieta earthquake
    in 1989 a small earthquake occurred in loma prieta only rupturing about 40 km of land and only 63 total recorded deaths
  • parkfield earthquake

    parkfield earthquake
    on september 28, 2004, at 10:15am a magnitude of 6.0 struck parkfield with a total of 0 deaths but this earthquake caused a bit of damage