Rwandan Genocide Timeline

By SeanPen
  • Period: to

    Rwandan Genocide

  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    Berlin conference occurs that splits the African continent into seperate power-owned territories. From this, Germany gains control of Rwanda. This control added to racial discrimination, ultimatly resulting in the hatred that led to the Rwandan Genocide.
  • Germany Loses Rwanda

    Germany Loses Rwanda
    Germany's loss of World War I resulted in the transfer of Rwanda to Belgium. From this transfer of power, Tutsi began getting special rights, adding to the racial conflicts.
  • Rwanda Gains Independence

    Rwanda Gains Independence
    On this date Rwanda gained independence from Belgium. This independence furthered for Hudu contol in the upcoming election.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    Rwandan Rebels attempt to overthrow the Hudu government, From this even leads the spark, the assasination of the Rwandan President, that initiated the Rwandan Genocide.
  • Rwandan Genocide Begins

    Rwandan Genocide Begins
    The Rwandan Genocide begins. The methods used to genocide the tutsi included racism, assasination and death lists. This event litterally was the Rwandan Genocide.
  • Rwandan Genocide Ends

    Rwandan Genocide Ends
    The Rwandan Genocide is ended by the RPF. This protects the very few ramaining Tutsi who survived, as well as setting the stage to the UN involvment yet to come.
  • UN Begins War Crime Trials

    UN Begins War Crime Trials
    The United Nations, upset about lacking the authority to involve through offensive engagment begins the construction of courts to try those accused of war crimes. Over 200 Hutus stood in jail to be accused, and with this the rebuilding of Rwanda began.
  • Bill Clinton Apologizes

    Bill Clinton Apologizes
    Bill Clinton appologizes for lack of support from the United Nations in the Genocide. This was substantial due to the responsibility being placed on the UN and the USA.
  • Twnty-Six Exucuted for War Crimes

    Twnty-Six Exucuted for War Crimes
    Twenty-six Hudus were executed after being accused of war crimes. This was substantial as this was the first time that the genocide was taking effect in terms of revenge against the Hudus.
  • Gacaca Courts Created

    Gacaca Courts Created
    Due to the extreme number of accusations of war crimes, special courts called Gacaca were set up. Due to this, justice was reached at a faster rate.