Rwanda Genocide

  • Multiple political parties allowed in Rwanda

    A new constitution allows for multiple political parties, leading to the Rwanda genocide
  • President Juvenal Habyarimana killes

    Rwanda Hutu president Juvenal Habyarimana killed when his plane got shot down
  • First Tutsis Killed

    First Tutsis killed in Kigali, after this the violence quickly spreads
  • Tutsi's RPF marches in Kigali

    Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic front marches on Kigali
  • Massacre of Gikondo

    Hundreds of Tutsis are killed at the Pallottine Missionary church
  • Massacre at the Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church

    Thousands of Tutsi killed by grenades, guns, machetes and clubs
  • The Kibuye Massacres

    12,000 Tutsis are killed after seeking shelter at the Gatwaro stadium in Gitesi. Another 50,00 are killed in the hills of Bissero at the town's hospital and church
  • UN Withdrawals Peace Keepers

    UN withdraws all but 270 of its peace keepers
  • Tutsi's flee to neighbouring Tanzania

    250,000 people, mostly Tutsi's, flee to neighboring Tanzania
  • RPF takes control of the presidential palace

    Tutsi's RPF takes control of the presidential palace
  • Hutu flee to Zaire

    One million people flee to Zaire
  • Rwanda Genocide Ends

    The Rwanda Genocide ends when the RPF gain full control of the country