Rwanda Genocide

  • President Juvenal Habyarimana Murdered

    President Juvenal Habyarimana Murdered
    A plane carrying the president and president of Burundi was shot down while was preparing to land in Kigali, Rwanda.
  • Genocide Begins

    Genocide Begins
    Mass killings of Tutsis as well as Hutus who sympathize with Tutsis, began by armed forces from Rwanda and a Hutu militia.
  • Tens of Thousands Dead

    Tens of Thousands Dead
    In a week time the Red Cross states more than already tens of thousands Rwandans are dead.
  • The United Nation Removes Troops

    The United Nation Removes Troops
    The United Nations removes 90 percent of its troops out of Rwanda only leaving 270 soliders left. This occured because the UN was afraid that its peacekeepers would be killed.
  • The UN Agrees the Genocide is Occuring in Rwanda

    The UN Agrees the Genocide is Occuring in Rwanda
    The UN who was reluctant to say that in Rwanda the killings were a genocide, agrees that they are. They planned to send 5,500 new troops to help. However the U.S and the UN could not agree on how to pay which causes the sending of the troops to be delayed.
  • The RPF takes control of parts of Rwanda

    The RPF takes control of parts of Rwanda
    A group of Tutsi rebels called the Tutsi Rwanda Patriot Front (RPF) makes efforts to fight back against attackers. This allows them to gain control of some parts of the north and the east of Rwanda.
  • Operation Turquoise

    Operation Turquoise
    The UN sent 2,500 French troops to create a safe zone in Rwanda. This was called Operation Turquoise. However this had failed becuase Tutsis contined to kill in the safe zone.
  • Refugees go to Zaire

    Refugees go to Zaire
    10,000 refugees from Rwanda go into Zaire looking for safety. However there was many people crossing the border that the food, water, and shelter was scarce and not enough for everyone.
  • Genocide Ends

    Genocide Ends
    The RPF had taken control of Rwanda and the war ends leaving Pasror Bizimung as the new president.