Russian Evolution

  • Document K

    This belongs here because this was in the time period where Karl Marx was introducing communism. This document explains how if a person works more, they will earn more and be able to eat. The 2nd feature is displayed here because the country is being run by one man. The country set rules and regulations to how much they could eat and earn by how much they work. The leader had complete control.
  • Alexander III

    -Clung to the principles of autocracy, a government with total power
  • Police State

    Police state-1881-state that has many spies and informers, many police everywhere
  • Document E

    This belongs here because this is what started the whole belief and idea of communism. After this, many ideas were practiced with communism and also other types of governments were altered with this idea. The 1st feauture of totalitarianism is displayed here by setting the order for their country. With these 10 commandments, Karl was trying to make the people have a "perfect stage of mankind".
  • Proletariat

  • Trans-Siverian Railway

    Trans-Siberian Railway-1891--1904-the worlds largest continuous rail line
  • Nicholas II

    Became czar, did not like the change of how he did not have complete power and how times were changing
  • Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin-1900’s- major leader of the Bolshevik
  • Communism

    Communism-an economic system in which all means of production are owned by the people, shared equally
  • Autocracy

    Autocracy-one person has all the power,
  • Censorship

    Censorship- government that controls everything including individual creativity
  • Marxism

    Marxism-another name for communism
  • Soviets

    Soviets- were local councils consisting of workers, peasants, and soldiers
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx-1903-philosopher, he led the group that would eventually succeed in establishing a new government
  • Bolsheviks

    Bolsheviks-1903-supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for radical change
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday-1905-200,000 workers and their families marched to the Winter Palace to fight for their rights
  • WWI

    WWI- 1914- the final blow
  • Boolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution-1917-gained control of the petrograd soviet
  • Bolshevik Red Guards

    Bolshevik Red Guards-1917-made up of armed factory workers who stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd
  • White Army

    White Army-1918-opponents of the Bolsheviks
  • Document H

    The song lyrics of the USSR belong here because this was in the time period when Russia was split up into several self governing republics. Number 6 is displayed here because it shows how they have control over the republics.
  • Document J

    This belongs here because it is the time period where Nicholas the 2nd stepped down. Number 4 is displayed here because it shows how grand the capital was and what Lenin and Stalin got to live in. They had complete control of the country until the USSR was split up into self governing republics. The body is still there today, showing how much of an impact they had.
  • Leon Trotsky

    Leon Trotsky-1920-revolutionary leader who helped negotiate the Treaty of Brest-Litosk
  • Treaty of Brest

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk-1920’s- Leon trosky helped negotiate it
  • NEP

    New Economic Policy (NEP)-1920-proposed by Lenin
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)-1922-Russia into several self governming republics under central government
  • Communist Party-

    Communist Party-1922-created a constitution based on socialist and democratic principles
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin-1922-built a totalitarian state
  • Document D

    This propaganda poster belongs here because this was in the time period of when propoganda started to come into play. The 1st characteristic of totalitarianism is displayed here because they were showing how if you do not work for the country and provide for the country, you do not eat. The government or propoganda is trying to teach them how to live, the way Stalin wanted them to live.
  • Industrialization

    Industrialization--1928-rapid industrial growth and to strengthen national defense
  • Command Economy

    Command economy-1928-system where the government made all economic decisions
  • Five-Year Plans

    Five-Year Plans-1928-set impossibly high quotas, or numerical goals, to increase the output of steel, coal , oil and electricity
  • Collective farms

    Collective farms-1928-government owned farms
  • Document B

    This speech belongs here because this was in the time period of the five year plans that he was introducing and when he was in power. Monopolistic control of the armed forces was a feauture of totalitarianism because this speech told what he was planning on doing and what he was planning to control.
  • Document C

    This belongs here because this was the time period where photographs were getting changed to look better than they actually were. Joseph Stalin was in power and he took control of the whole country. Number 5 on the features of totalitarianism is displayed here because it was changed by the police system and did not want them to look bad because they were always there.
  • Totalitarianism

    Totalitarianism- 1930’s-to dominate an entire nation-
  • Socialist realism

    Socialist realism-an artistic style that praised Soviet Life and Communist values-communism thinking
  • Document I

    This is another poster under the rule of Stalin, which is why it belongs here. The 2nd feature of the characteristics is displayed here because it is trying to say how great Stalin it. It explains that Stalin achieved a remarkable improvment and put statistics out to prove his point.
  • Great Purge

    Great Purge-1934-Stalin would eliminate anyone who would try to take his power
  • Doument A: Quote from Jospeh Stalin

    This belongs here because this was the time period where Joesph Stalin was in power. Central control and direction of the entire economy was the chareristic of totalitarianism because one man controlled what all the people could do.
  • 1934

    This poster belongs here because it is much like the other poster. It is trying to show how great Stalin made a certain individual's childhood by promoting his name. The 2nd feature of totalitarianism is displayed here by how one man is controlling the whole country.
  • Document F

    This picture belongs in this time period because they are trying to tell the person who is seeing the picture how great life is under Stalin's rule. Central control and direction of the entire economy is displayed here because it is trying to control how the people think of their leader
  • Propaganda

    Propaganda-1938-biased or incomplete information used to sway people to accept certain beliefs or actons
  • Russian Orthodox Church

    Russian Orthodox Church-1938-main target of persecution