Rose Girards Life

  • born

  • Where did you grow up?

    She grew up in Kansas City Kansas from birth to about 18 years old
  • What are your childhood memories?

    She got to meet movie stars. She got to ride on street cars. She got to shop Downtown at department stores. She remembers going to St. Peters school and ended up getting 3 scolarships. She was hospitalized at 18 because of paracarditis. She also went to New Mexico.
  • What was family life like?

    She would go to work on family farm that her dad owned. She also quit college to help pay for her brothers college.
  • About Her Mother

    Her mother was a singer and she made records. She played the piano and she met famous people.
  • About her Father

    He was the Melon Baby winner at the World Fair which is the cutest baby contest. He also owned the biggest movie theatre in KC
  • First international travel

    First international travel
    Her first international travel was to Japan when her and her husband moved there for military purposes. She was scared her first time flying there.
  • What are your passions?

    She played basketball as one of her passions.
  • Whar was your graduation like?

    She did not graduate due to being in the hospital. She went straight to college. It wasnt a big deal because she was extremely smart. Her GPA was higher than a 4.0. Her IQ is 10 points down from being a genious.
  • Where have you worked in the past?

    She has worked at banks, for the government, and manager of food service in Salina.
  • What college did you go to?

    Kansas University for 2 years and the Universtity of New Mexico for 2 years
  • Any serious problems throughout life?

    Almost died at age 18 because of paracarditis which is an infection in the heart. That is why she didnt graduate.
  • Her hobbies

    She loves to travel.
  • One moment that changed her life

    Meeting her husband changed her life. She remembers taking car rides down Main street together.
  • About marriage

    Married Eddie J. Girard Jr. They got married in Clovis, New Mexico on Air Force Base. They had a formal wedding. She says he was the greatest husband ever. They moved to Japan 5 years later.
  • First car

    Cant remember exact date when she got her first car but it was a green 1956 chevrolet 2 toned vehicle.
  • About Eddie

    He was in the Air Force. He was a Master Sarent, a draftsman, and flew command post. He was from New Hampshire.
  • How many Children?

    She has 6 children and 1 miscarriage. Cindi, Mike, Marie, Ann, Cathy, and Diane. It was a military family.
  • How did you react when JFK was killed

    It was all over TV, high media, lots of devistation.
  • Military Life

    Her family was in the military for 26 years.
  • Advice for future generations?

    Love your kids and keep them under control.
  • How many grandchildren?

    To this day she has 17 grandchildren.
  • How many countries?

    She has been to at least 23 different countries. Japan, United States, Germany, France, Ireland, England, Italy, Spain, Holland, Canada, Mexico, Korea, Netherlands, Russia, Belgium, Sweeden, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway,Luxembourg, Bahamas, Greece. Those are the ones she can remember.
    She has also been to all states except North Carolina and South Carolina
  • How many times have you moved to this day?

    atleast 10 times
  • Most important thing in life

    Children, Grandchildren, and husband. Her family is the most important thing in her life.
  • Rose Girard

    Rose Girard
    This is a picture of her in her younger days
  • Eddie and Rose

    Eddie and Rose
    This is a picture of Rose and Eddie. My grandparents
  • Historical events

    She remembers when JFK was shot and killed and she also remembers when the first phone came out
  • How long have you been married?

    She was married 50 years and then husband passed away in 2006 on May 17. 70 years old