Gettysburg battlefield 56a6ee263df78cf772910557

Ronald Nelson A4

By kariso
  • The Start of the Civil war.

    The Start of the Civil war.
    The Confederates are surrounding Fort Sumter. A supply ship comes because the have been there from a while and need food. The Confederates shoot upon it. This is important because it started the civil war and the first of thousands deaths happened there.
  • The Battle of Bull Run

    The Battle of Bull Run
    It was one of the first major battles in the civil war, there were civilians on the hills watching. They had came from Washington DC to watch. Union soldiers came running up the hill to get out of the way. They go caught in the crossfire. This is important because it was one of the first major battles of the civil war.
  • Chancellorsville, VA

    Chancellorsville, VA
    It is considered Generals Robert E. Lee's greatest victory. But also a horrible loss. When there was a guard on duty and he was surprised by stonewall Jackson horse, shot him. And he later died. It is important because Robert E. Lee loses his right arm man and he actually feels like he lost his arm.
  • Vicksburg, MS

    Vicksburg, MS
    Vicksburg was a very important battle. It would allow the Union control of the Mississippi river. This shut down the Southern trade and movement of troops food and ammunition. And the won it right after the battle of Gettysburg. It is important because it shuts down a lot of supply's that might have gone to the southern army's.
  • Sherman's March

    Sherman's March
    Sherman's March captured Atlanta, Georgia a very important transportation center for the confederacy. This would cut of supplies to the main army and others. The civilian's set fire to the town before the union soldiers could get to it. They need to break the will of both the Southern army's and civilian's. It is important because it will break the will of the civilians and soldiers of the south.
  • Appomattox Court House

    Appomattox Court House
    This place is were General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant. And he let them go home with there horses food. When he had told them this the Confederate Soldiers started to cry because the were so relieved. It is important because it ended the civil war for good.