
Romeo & Juliet Timeline

  • Sunday Morning

    Romeo is lovesick for his love Rosaline
  • Sunday Afternoon

    Sunday Afternoon
    A fight between the Capulet's and Montague's breaks out
  • Sunday Evening

    Sunday Evening
    After the Capulet's throw their grand ball, the Montaue's arrive, hidden by masks and Romeo falls in love with Juliet at first sight
  • Sunday Night

    Sunday Night
    After climbing over the garden walls, Romeo meets juliet at her balcony, after expressing their love for each other, they decide to wed the next day
  • Monday Afternoon

    Monday Afternoon
    Friar laurence marries Romeo and Juliet
  • Monday Evening

    Monday Evening
    Benvolio and Mercutio encounter Tybalt in the streets of verona, a fight breaks out between Mercutio and Tybalt, and mercutio is killed. Seeking revenge, Romeo fights Tybalt and tybalt is killed
  • Monday Night

    Monday Night
    The Prince of Verona, Prince Escalus, Banishes Romeo from Verona for the death of Tybalt, Also Lord Capulet, not knowing that Juliet married Romeo, arranges for Juliet to marry Paris.
  • Monday Late Afternoon

    Benvolio and Mercutio encounter Tybalt on the street, Tybalt and Mercutio fight, and Mercutio is killed, Seeking revenge, Romeo confronts Tybalt and the two fight, during which Tybalt is killed
  • Tuesday Afternoon

    Tuesday Afternoon
    Friar laurance advises Juliet to drink a sleeping potion to appear dead.
  • Tuesday Monrning

    Juliet refuses to marry Paris, and says she will commit suicide
  • Wednesday Morning

    Juliets maid finds juliet "dead", wedding preperations are changed to funeral preperations
  • Wednesday Afternoon

    Romeo learns of juliets deat, and returns to verona, planning to commit suicide
  • Thursday Afternoon

    Thursday Afternoon
    After returning to verona, Romao and Paris fight, Paris is killed, and Romeo sees Juliet's "dead" body, pulls out poison and kills himself, Juliet wakes just as Romeo dies and stabs herself with Romeo's dagger and dies.