Romeo and Juliet

  • Are Heroic Qualities universal or timeless?

    Are Heroic Qualities universal or timeless?
    Heroic qualities are timeless. Having qualities of a hero means being a role model to humans. Humans tend to follow things that the hero do. They want to be a better person like the heros they like. This is timessless because the qualities of a hero passes from generation to generation. In romeo and juliet the hero of the story is their love. Their love fought for peace of both family. Their love gave happiness to all the people in Verona.
  • How is loved manifested In the stories and poems of old and modern english literature

    How is loved manifested In the stories and poems of old and modern english literature
    In our story Romeo and Juliet love is shown through two people who really like each other. They shown their love than eventhough their family doesn't like each other they fought for their love. Their love is stronger because they really have courage to fight their family for them to be together. Romeo and Juliet really cared for each other.
  • What influences our concept of what is "true" "noble" "heroic" and "good"

    What influences our concept of what is "true" "noble" "heroic" and "good"
    Stories and poems influences our concept. This things influences what we think. This influences our mindset to things in real life. Our culture and traditions are also the factors of influencing our true life or reality
  • Why should we value studying

    Why should we value studying
    We should value studying because this can help us in the future. When we study there is a lot od things that we can discover. We can discover things that we really like. We can discover things that can make us happy. Things that can build us as a citizen of our nation. By studying this can develope our way of thinking. This can help us make decisions, if that decision is right or wrong. By studying this can make a change to our life in the future.
  • Romeo and Juliet: Meet the Family

    Romeo and Juliet: Meet the Family
    There are 2 famous and rich family in Verona,Italy. These are the Montagues and the Capulets. The Montague have a son named Romeo Montague and the Capulet have a daughter named Juliet Capulet. This two families are the most infulencial family in italy. These family are rivals. They hate each other and the people say that they will never be friends
  • Romeo and Juliet: The Forbbiden Love

    Romeo and Juliet: The Forbbiden Love
    Romeo Montague had fallen in love with Juliet Capulet. When Juliet discovered that Romeo is a Montague their love for each other didn't stop. They continue loving each other secretly. Juliet wish that Romeo could shed his name and Marry her. They love each other eventhough their family is fighting
  • Romeo and Juliet: Unwanted Marriage

    Romeo and Juliet: Unwanted Marriage
    As Juliet wishes that she could marry Romeo, Her family had made a wedding plan for Juliet. It is not with romeo but with a man named Paris. Juliet is obligated to marry Paris.
  • Romeo and Juliet: Stopping The Wedding

    Romeo and Juliet: Stopping The Wedding
    As soon as Juliet knew about the marriage she went to Friar Laurence her confidant. Juliet wants a potion that can make her sleep during the wedding. Friar Laurence gave Juliet a potion that can make her seem dead for 2 days
  • Romeo and Juliet: The Wedding Day

    Romeo and Juliet: The Wedding Day
    The night before the wedding Juliet drank the potion and made her sleep. When the morning came, The day that Juliet must marry Paris, the Nurse went inside Juliet's bedroom and she found that Juliet is "dead" in her bed
  • Romeo and Juliet: Burial of Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet: Burial of Juliet
    The servant of Romeo told him that Juliet died and she was Buried. Romeo hurriedly came back to Verona and went to the tomb of Juliet. When Romeo saw Juliet he was so sad. Romeo kissed Juliet and he drink the poison that he bought.
  • Romeo and Juliet: Juliet is Alive

    Romeo and Juliet: Juliet is Alive
    Friar Laurence had arrived when Juliet had woke up. Juliet saw that Romeo is beside her. Romeo is already dead. Friari Laurence tried to take Juliet out of the tomb but she saw Romeo dead she took the dager and killed herself with it.
  • Romeo and Juliet: The Families became Friends

    Romeo and Juliet: The Families became Friends
    After the incident that whole town arrived including the Capulets and the Montagues. The family discovered the love story of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence told the the whole story. After the family had discovered the story the became friends. Each family made a golden statue of the other's child.