The battle of long island new york

Rode To Revolution

By 26amarx
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The North American conflict between Great Britain and France. British colonial forces attempted to expel the French but were outnumbered and the French defeated them.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    A British produced boundary marked in the Appalachian Mountains at the Eastern Continental Divide. The Proclamation Line prohibited Anglo American colonists from settling on lands acquired from the French following the French and Indian War.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    A tax passed by the British to pay for the seven years war. It taxed sugar and decreased taxes on molasses in British colonies in America and the West Indies.
  • Stamp Act of 1766

    Stamp Act of 1766
    The Stamp Act was to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies during the seven years war. The act required the colonists to pay a tax, represented by a stamp, on various forms of papers, documents, and playing cards.
  • Townshend Acts of 1767

    Townshend Acts of 1767
    A series of measures passed by the British Parliament that taxed goods imported to the American colonies. The American colonists, who had no representation in Parliament saw the Acts as an abuse of power.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    A deadly riot that occurred on King Street in Boston. It began as a street brawl between American colonists and a lone British soldier, but quickly escalated to a chaotic, bloody slaughter.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    the British Parliament passed the Tea Act to save troubled enterprise. The act granted the company the right to ship its tea directly to the colonies without first landing it in England, and to commission agents who would have the sole right to sell tea in the colonies.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A political protest that occurred at Griffin's Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts. American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing taxation without representation, dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    A series of four laws passed by the British Parliament to punish the colony of Massachusetts Bay for the Boston Tea Party.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    Convened in Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Delegates from twelve of Britain's thirteen American colonies met to discuss America's future under growing British aggression.