Road to WWII

  • Italian invasion of Ethiopia

    Italian invasion of Ethiopia
    The Italians were involved in the invasion of Ethopia. Ethiopia had defeated Italy before so the Italian wanted to get revenge. The Italian invading Ethiopia caused the war. The invasion of Ethiopia happened from October 1935 to May 1936.
  • German re-occupation of the Rhineland

    German re-occupation of the Rhineland
    The Germans were involved in the re-occupation of the Rhineland. The re-occupation of the Rhineland happed on March 7,1936. The Germans were taking over the Rhineland. This act violated the Treaty of Versailles which caused it to led to war
  • German Annexation of Austria

    Germans were involved in the Annexation of Austria. The German invading Austria led to war. Annexation of Austria happend on March 11-13, 1938. This event had escalated tension because the Treaty of Versailles had states the Anchluss will never occur between Austria and Germany.
  • Munich Conference

    Germany, France,United Kingdom and Italy were involved in the Munich Confrence. Hitler wanted the Sudetenland. At Munich, on September 29, 1938 Britain and France gave Hitler the power to take over the Sudetenland. The conference took place in Munich Germany. Hitler kept wanting to take away land which caused war.
  • German invasion of the Sudetenland

    Germans were involved in the invasion of the Sudetenland. The Germans invaded Sudetenland which was a cause of war. The invasion of Sudetenland happened on March 15,1939. The Germans were taking advantage and taking away land.
  • German invasion of Poland

    The Germans were involved in the invasion of Poland. Hitler was trying to take over Poland. This event happened on September 1,1939 and it ended on October 6,1939.This event lead to war because Hitler did not keep his promise and he kept trying to take over land. Britan and Frace both delcared war on Germany.
  • Beginning of WWII

    The Axis power and Allies were involved in WWII. Hitlers actions and others caused WWII to happen. WWII happened from September 1,1939 to September 2, 1945. WWII took place in diffrent areas but it mostly took place in Germany, Russia, France, Poland and Belgium.
  • Signing of the Tripartite pact

    Germany Itlay and Japan were involved in the Signing of the Tripartite pact. The signing of the Tripartite Pact happened on September 27,1940. They sign the Tripartite Pact in Berlin.
    German, Italy, and Japan become allies because of the Triparite Pact. The countries were invading other places which led to war.