Road to War

  • German Workers Party

    This party was formed by Anton Drexler, who was a toolmaker. On this particular date Adolph Hitler was made the seventh member of the German Workers Party. Hitler tranfromed this party into a political movement. In 1920 the names was changed into National Socialist Party or Nazi for short.
  • Citation

    "The German Workers Party." The German Workers Party. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.
  • Citation

    The Beer Hall Putsch of 1923." The Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    In November 1923 the National Socialist Party attempts to overthrow parliament under Hitler's rule. Hilter marched to Munich with 3000 men. There were 100 airmed police guards at the area when shooting commnece. 16 nazi soliders and 3 police guards were killed. Hitler's attempt has failed and his was arrested where he was sentenced to jail for 5 years, where he only served 9 months.
  • Citation

    "JAPANESE CONQUEST OF MANCHURIA 1931-1932." JAPANESE CONQUEST OF MANCHURIA 1931-1932. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    On this date Japan invades Manchuria. Within a few days of the invasion Japanese mlitary troops were able to obtain several strategic spots. By the end of 1931 Japan destroyed the last of person of authority in the Manchuria government. Essentially Manchuria became a puppet to Japan.
  • German Election of 1932

    In 1932 Hitler ran for the german equalivant of President. He lost to Paul Von Hinderberg with only 33% of the vote. It was then decided Hitler would be appointed chancellor. Chancellor dealt with the inner workings of the country. This is how Hitler came to power and started taking control of Germany.
  • Citation

    "Hitler Comes to Power." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
  • Citation

    "Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Burns." The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Burns. The History Place, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
  • The Reichstag

    On the night of February 27, 1933 the Reichstag, or the parliament building of Germany, was intentionally burned to the ground. Blame was placed on communists due to bias. On February 28th Hitler demanded on emergency decree, which effectively made parliamnet vote itself out of existance. This was the beginning of Hitler's dictatorship.
  • Boycott towards Jews

    This was the beginning of an nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses. Nazi soldiers stood outside of Jewish establisments preventing customers from entering them. There was also propaganda posters stating 'Don't buy from Jews; Shop in German businesses!' This boycott was the first step in the process of destabilizing the economic foundations of German Jewry.
  • Citation

    "Nazis Boycott Jewish Shops." Holocaust Timeline: Nazis Boycott Jewish Shops. The History Place, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.
  • Citation

    "The Nuremberg Race Laws." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
  • Nuremberg laws 1935

    The Nuremberg laws were first introduced in an annual Nazi convention in Nuremberg. These laws transitioned Judism as a religion and singled it out as an entire race. These laws stripped Jews of thier natural rights. No longer was intermarriage allowed between Jews and 'pure-blood' Germans. Germans also could not produce offspring with a race that was considered 'lower class.'
  • Summer Olympics of 1936

    In 1936 Berlin, Germany hosted the 1936 summer olympics.The summer olympic was the chance Germany wanted to showcase how much of a powerpouse they were. During the time of the olympics the racist, militaristic Germany was disguised by a peacuful, tolerant Germany. This was to decieve other countries that Germeny was actually power hungry. At the end Germany won the Summer Olympis with a total of 86 medals.
  • Citation

    "The Nazi Party: The Nazi Olympics." The Nazi Olympics (August 1936). Jewish Virtual Library, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
  • Citation

    "CHRONOLOGY OF THE JAPANESE INVASION OF ASIA, 1894-1945." N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.
  • Japan Invades China

    What was just a skirmish between Japanese and Chinese troops turned into a full-fledged invasion from Japan. On December 1937 the Chinese city of Nanking succumbs to the Japanese army. Within the next six weeks between 250,000-300,000 Chinese people were killed, including innocent civilians. The Japanese kept China in check by using fear of brutality.
  • Annexation of Austria

    On this day Hitler announces a union between Austria and Germany. Austria became part of greater Germany. This provided Germany with an population of an additional 5 million people. It was not long before Gemrnay ascended into Austria and statred persecuting political dissidents and, of course, all Jewish citizens. Within days 70,000 Austrians were sent to concentration camps.
  • Citation

    "Hitler Announces an Anschluss with Austria." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
  • Citation

    "Nazis Take Czechoslovakia." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.
  • Annexation of Czechoslovakia

    On this date Hitler threatened the President of Czechoslovakia with bomb raid if he did not allow Hitler to send troops into Czechoslovakia. Hitler was allowed passage-way for German troops and that same day German troops poured into Czechoslovakia. There little to no resistance and on this date there was a union between Germany and Czechoslovakia, providing Hilter with more territory.
  • Citation

    "The Tripartite Pact." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.
  • Tripartite Pact

    On September 27, 1940 Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, which was an alliance between Japan, Germany, and Italy. This alliance stated that these three countries would help each other out should they be attacked by a country that was not already involved with the war. This was mainly aimed at the U.S, who remained netrual, for they could think twice about getting invloved. This was also an agreement that Germany and Italy would get Europe while Japan would get Greater East Asia.
  • Pearl Harbor, 1941

    Japan attacked the United States Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. The following day President Roosevelt made a declaration of war. This effectively drew the U.S into World War II