Road to the revolution timeline

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Created when england was victorious over france and had to pay for the war. England taxed newspapers, legal documents and even Playing Cards. the American colonist claimed that there legislature can levy taxes. 8 played a huge part because the colonist would not pay the tax.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    Incedent were british army killed 5 civillian men and the brothers of liberty used it as propaganda
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    The tea act was enforced by the great Britain parliment in 1773. This act gave tea companys the power to directly ship its tea out to america
  • Intolerable Acts

    It was a direct response to the boston tea party. when this act was passed the harbours were blockaded, they had to quarter soldiers, and no fair trail
  • First contenental congress

    Where 12 north american colony delegates met in philedelphia to send a letter to king George the third to revoke the act
  • Second continental congress

    Second continental congress
    The second continental congress was a meeting of delegates from the thirteen colonies. Managed the war effort and moved towards independence
  • Declaration of idependence

    Declaration of idependence
    The Declaration of independence was adopted by continental congress in July 4 1776. It was written before the thirteen colonies and Britain. 4 This document is kind of the back bone for when the colonies succeed in defeating Britain in the revoulution.
  • The enlightenment

    The enlightenment
    Amerian followed English scottish and some french philosopher such a montesquieu. There was big enphasis on democrachy, liberty, republicanism. It was also used as the declaration of independence.