Road to the Revolution

  • The Enlightenment

    During the Enlightenment age, logic and reasoning was applied to society. Some of the many Philosophers that drove this movement wer; Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau.
    Rating: 10
    Without the application of reason to society, the plans for a representative government never would have come about.
  • The English joined the colonists to fight the French. The war took place in America because the French wanted colonial dominance. The war left England in debt which led them to tax the colonists to help repay it.
    Rating: 8
    The colonists were very frustrated after fighting along side the English in the war and then being taxed to pay back England's debt.
  • A border drawn by the English that forbade colonists to settle west of the Appalachain Mountains in order to prevent conflict with Native Americans.
    Rating: 3
    This event is a more indirect catalyst of the revolution because colonist were tired of England's constant control.
  • Stamp Act

    A direct tax imposed on colonists by the British that required all printed documents to have a stamp. The colonists then proceeded to boycott British goods in response to the act. This lead to the repeal of the stamp act.
    Rating: 5
    Even though this is a smaller event, it was important because the colonists showed they could be assertive.
  • Boston Massacre

    The deaths of 5 colonists caused by a fight between colonists and british troops. The fight was brought on from the growing tension of British rule.
    Rating: 6
    The deaths of their own made colonists more frustrated with the British and eager to gain independence.
  • Tea Act

    A new tax imposed by England on tea.
    Rating: 3
    Eventually led to the Boston Tea Party making it a fairly significant event.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A protest arranged by a Boston group called the sons of liberty. They disguised themselves as Indians and threw the shippments of tea off of the British ships into the harbor.
    Rating: 5
    This is important because colonists showed the British that they were not afraid to take action.
  • It was made up of members elected by colonists met in Philadelphia. They talked about the Intolerable acts and wrote a letter to the King asking for him to repeal the acts. The king;however' ignored the request.
    Rating: 6
    They were the first official group to discuss independence which paved the way for committees after them.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Three new acts were created by the British because they were angry after the boston tea party.
    1 No trial by jury in the colonies
    2 Colonists had to food and shelter for english soldiers
    3 Ships were not permitted to enter or leave the Boston harbor
    Rating: 6
    Once again, England excersises its power over the colonists, making them more frustrated and ready to seek independence.
  • Lexington and Concord

    In 1775 British troops headed to Concord Massachussettes because they heard of stockpiled weapons being kept there. When they reached Lexington they ran into militia and farmers who the fought with and won. The British troops also defeated more militia at Concord.
    Rating: 7
    The British fought against the colonists and won, angering the colonists even more.
  • Its primary author was Thomas Jefferson, who drew ideas from Rousseau and Locke. In the declaration, he provides 27 examples of British Tyranny. Jefferson concludes that it was not merely our right to be independent, but our responsibility as well.
    Rating: 10
    Without the Declaration of independence, America would not have been able to detatch from England.
  • After meeting to evaluate the battles in Massachussettes, they were split half and half on the topic of independence. Once they finally agreed to be for independence, they assembled a committee to write the declaration.
    The second continental congress was responsible for assembling the committee that wrote the declaration which was the ticket to their freedom.