
Road to the Constitution

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

     Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was a series of written promises between the king and his subjects that he would govern England and deal with its people according to the customs of feudal law. The Magna Carta was signed by the feudal barons and King John. The Magna Carta was signed in Runnymede near Windsor Castle.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was the first written framework of government established in what is now the United States.The Purpose of the Mayflower Compact was to prevent dissent amongst Puritans and non-separatist Pilgrims who had landed at Plymouth a few days earlier.
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    The Petition of Rights provides that no person should be forced to provide a gift, loan or tax without an Act of Parliament. Also that no free individual should be imprisoned or detained unless a cause has been shown. Charles the first signed this petition.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    English Bill of Rights LinkWilliam and Mary signed the English Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights asserted that Englishmen had certain inalienable civil and political rights,Catholics were banned from the throne, and Kings and Queens had to swear oaths to maintain Protestantism as the official religion.Unless Parliament consented, monarchs could not establish their own courts or act as judges themselves;
  • The French and Indian War Part 1

    The French and Indian War Part 1
    The French and Indian War was the North American conflict that was part of a larger imperial conflict between Great Britain and France. It was known as the Seven Years' The war was fought primarily between the colonies of British America and New France. Some major battles were,
    Battle of River Monongahela and the Battle of lake George
    The british won even though they still had to deal with the the Treaty of Paris.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    The Albany Plan of Unioin was was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. Benjamin Franklin suggested the Albany Plan of Union. The plan did not happen because every colony had thier own plan they wanted to follow. The " Join, or Die " cartoon is asssociated with this plan.
  • King George III takes power

    King George III takes power
    King George III rise to power began when he inherited the power from his Grandfather George II when his father died resulting in him taking over the throne. As a result of the French and Indian War, parliament decided to make the colonies pay for the war expenses by taxing the colonies. This created tension between the British and the colonies. It led to their revolt against Great Britain.
  • The French and Indian War Part 2

    The French and Indian War Part 2
    The French and Indian War changed the realationship because it was the hope of many that fighting a common enemy would pull England and its colonies together. Unforunately it did the opposite, living in close quarters with the British, subjected to constant humiliation .After the war, the heavy taxes Britain left on the colonies to pay for the war only made the colonials angrier.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Stamp Act LinkThe Stamp Act made all American colonists pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. Ship's papers, legal documents, licenses, newspapers, and other publications. Another thing they taxed were playing cards . The colonists reacted by saying the the act was unconstitutional. The colonists resorted to mob violence to intimidate stamp collectors into resigning.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was the killing of five colonists by British regulars. During this Massacre five people died,three died on scene and two died later during recovery. The Taxation acts were being enforced that led to this tragedy.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Boston Tea Party VideoThe Boston Tea Party was a group of Massachusetts Patriots, protesting the monopoly on American tea. They seized 342 chests of tea in a midnight raid on three tea ships and threw them into the harbor. The Sons of Libarty organized this event.The British respond by making the intolerable act of 1774 which closed the Boston ports and destroyed the Massachusetts government.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts were a series of acts British Parliament passed in reaction to the Boston Tea Party .The government spent a lot of money on troops and equipment in an attempt to subjugate Massachusetts. British merchants had lost huge sums of money on looted, spoiled, and destroyed goods shipped to the colonies.The colonies were pressed with greater taxes without any representation in Britain, these were the provisions of the Acts.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress consisted of a group of men form all of the colonies except for Georgia. Samuel Adams, George Washington, and Patrick Henry were some personalities involved. It was held in response to the Intolerable Acts from Britain. It was held in Philadelphia. This is significant because it was the first time most of the colonies come together to oppose British rule together.
  • Lexington and Concord Part 2

    Lexington and Concord Part 2
    Paul Revere had to do with this event because him and other riders sounded the alarm, and colonial militiamen began mobilizing to intercept the Redcoat column
  • Lexington and Concord Part 1

    Lexington and Concord Part 1
    The Battles of Lexington and Concord kicked off the American Revolutionary War. A night before the battle hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize an arms cache. The results of these conflicts were as many as 3,500 militiamen firing constantly 250 Redcoats either killed or wounded.By the following summer, a full-scale war of independence had broken out.Lieutenant Colonel, Francis Smith, John Parker and James Barrett were the generals involved.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia.The pourpouse was to Decide the fait of the thirteen colonies. They Decided they wanted to break away from Brittain. Some ideas that came out of this meeting were more instrumental in setting the tone and managing the efforts that would bring about the birth of a new nation.Thomas Jefferson, Benjimen Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman were the colonial leaders involved.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Declaration of Independence videoThe Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress. It announced that the 13 American colonies, are now independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation created a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central goverment. This resulted in leaving most of the power with the state goverment.The Articles of Confederation was signed by the congress and was then sent out to all 13 states to be ratified.John Hanson was the first president under the Articles of Confederation.
  • Start of Constitutional Convention

    Start of Constitutional Convention
    The start of the constitutional convention occurred in the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia. The delegates met and elected George Washington as president of this convention. This was established to discuss problems in governing the United States.