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History project

AP US History Colonial and Revolutionary Era

  • Period: to

    Colonial Era

    The time in which America was not composed of states, but of 13 colonies.
  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founding of Jamestown
    This settlement was the first English settlement in Colonial America. It was founded in May of 1607 by the Virginia Company of London. The first settlers were welcomed by the Native Americans around the land: The Powhatans. The Powhatans, led by their chief, Powhatan, traded generously traded with the new setllers. After a while, the settlers started attacking the Native Americans for food. This led to the First Anglo-Powhatan War from 1610 to 1614.
  • Founding of the Virginia House of Burgesses

    Founding of the Virginia House of Burgesses
    The Virginia House of Burgesses, founded by the Virginia Company, was one of the first signs of self-government in colonial America. They helped lead to better enviroments and systems for future inhabitants of the colonies.
  • Massachusetts Bay Founding

    Massachusetts Bay Founding
    The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded in 1630 by John Winthrop. The colony was based on Winthrop's idea of Massachusetts being a "City Upon A Hill," or a city to be of great importance and to be looked at. The significance of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was one of the first startings of a strong central government within the colony, being led by Bible Commonwealth, the idea of a link between church and state.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was the first written Constitution for the colonies. These basically set Connecticut apart from the rest of the colonies. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut led to more documents and actions that tried to seperate from the over-dominating ways of the British.
  • Maryland Act of Toleration

    Maryland Act of Toleration
    The Maryland Act of Toleration were a set of laws that set up religous toleration in the New England colonies. It became one of the background documents within the First Amendment of the Constitution.
  • Halfway Covenant

    Halfway Covenant
    The Halfway Covenant was a system in the church in which the children of English Christians in the colonies could be converted partially into the covenant, but, could not accept communion of vote. This system increased quantities of members, even though it decreased the quality. The Halfway Covenant helped lead to the Great Awakening.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    A war between the Native American inhabitants of New England, led my Metacom (also known as King Philip), and the Americans of New England. This war was Metacom's last effort to push the Americans away. This effort failed, after Metacom was beheaded. This led to Puritan victory.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion was a rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon, a farmer, against the rule of Governer William Berkeley. The rebellion was a result of William Berkeley not fighting back with the Indians after they had repeatedly attacked the colonists. This rebellion led to the "Declaration of the People of Virginia," which was a list of grievances towards Berkeley, as well as the burning of Jamestown.
  • Leisler's Rebellion

    Leisler's Rebellion
    Rebellion in which Jacob Leisler, a German American merchant, ruled the South side of New York after mistreatment from the crown. Although executed about 2 years later, his ideas never left the people, and soon split New York minds in two, leaving British officials and people in need of new ruling.
  • Salem Witchcraft Trials

    Salem Witchcraft Trials
    A series of court cases February 1692 to May 1693 in which people were accused of witchcraft in colonial Salem, Massachusetts. These cases were mostly intended to fulfill John Winthrop's idea in his "City Upon A Hill" speech. The total result of the Salem Witch trials was the death of 19 women, 1 man, and 1 dog executed. The Salem Witchcraft Trails ended with the accusation of the Massachusetts governer's wife using witchcraft. This led to a more experienced and unified government in the colony.
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    The First Great Awakening was basically a challenge to "Old-Time Religion." It was a result of a large decline in religion during the 17th century. The two most known leaders of this Great Awakening were Johnathan Edwards and George Whitefield. In the end, the chruch members were divided into two groups: the "Old Lights," or the people who didn't want to split, and the "New Lights," who did want to split from the Congregationalist church. This led to a sense of rebellion.
  • John Peter Zenger Trial

    John Peter Zenger Trial
    The Trial of John Peter Zenger was a case in which John Peter Zenger was a defendant in the court under the accusation of libel. In his publishing of the New York Weekly Journal, he said some of his opinions on the NY governer. He was represented by Alexander Hamilton in court. Hamilton was the first attourney to address the jury. Zenger was found not guilty, since his words were true. This was the first use of Freedom of the Press in the colonies.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    The Stono Rebellion was one of the most successful slave rebellions in South Carolina. It was commenced south of the Stono River. In the end, 20 whites and 44 slaves were killed. This rebellion was the first of many rebellions to come.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary Era

    The time period in which the 13 American colonies began to push father and farther away from Great Britain, and were referred to as the United States of America.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was a war between the French/Indians and the British. The British were led by General Braddock and George Washington. This led to the beginning of conflicts between the British and Americans.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 is a system set by the King of England in 1763 that stated that the colonists could not settle West of the Appalachian Mountains. The significance of the Proclamation of 1763 was the prevention of colonial expansion.
  • March of the Paxton Boys

    March of the Paxton Boys
    The Paxton Boys were a group of Scots-Irish men who were looking to retaliate after the American Indian attacks due to the French and Indian War and Pontiac's Rebellion. In January of 1764, they marched into Pennsylvania to present their grievances to the legislature. They agreed to disperse on the account of Benjamin Franklin's word of their grievances being considered. This march led to many other protests and rebellions, because it showed the people that they could protest government ideas.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was a direct tax placed upon all papers, such as newspapers, pamphlets, advertisements. The Stamp Act, passed the King, led to many protests and boycotts within the colonies. The major event leading out of this would be the Stamp Act Congress.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre happens shortly after Lord North, a high political figure under the crown, repeals all the Townshed Acts, except for the Tea Act. British troops had been sent in to Boston to protect Crown officials and to help enforce the laws, however, the people had had enough. What started with a small protest, turned into a small Massacre, resulting in 5 deaths. Crispus Attucks was the only black man to be killed.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    As a result of the Tea Act, the Sons of Liberty decided to take matters into their own hands. At the Boston Harbor, the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Native Americans and boarded a British ship. They dumped 342 chests of tea into the Harbor. One result of the Boston Tea Party were the Intolerable Acts, which closed the Harbor until the tea was paid for.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. The first shots of the American Revolution were shot here. They were known as the shots "Heard Around the World."
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was basically a document confirming America's loyalty to Britain. It was later rejected by Great Britain, after the king declared America in a state of rebellion. This "state of rebellion," was the start of the American Revolutionary War.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Thomas Paine's pamphlet,"Common Sense," was basically a speech stating how we needed to seperate from Great Britain. It became the most popular pamphlet during the Revolutionary Era. It went on to be an extraordinary motivator for the American Revolution.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is a document created, while in the midst of war with Great Britain, stating the the 13 colonies would now become independent states, being referred to as the United States of America. The document was written by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. This document led to independence from Great Britain and a start to the U.S.A.'s own independent living. It also led to the creating of the executive and judicial branches of government.
  • Writing of the AOC

    Writing of the AOC
    The Articles of Confederation was the first Constitution of the United States of America. It was created by the Continental Congress. It helped support the Armeican Revolutionary War and showed strong government power within the states.
  • Writing of the Constitution

    Writing of the Constitution
    The Constitution, written by the Constitutional Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the basis of law for the United States of America. It is composed of 7 articles, as well as many amendments. The first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, were the rights of man. The Constitution was made to replace the Articles of Confederation. They also led to a stronger central government.