Road to Revolution Time line

  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Crops were consistently being attacked by native americans and there were also unfair taxes on indentured servants as well as a lack of self-defense to be used by the colonists that was allowed against the natives.
    Virginians rose up against governor Berkeley because of his lack of action taken.
    Ultimately, Berkeley's position was taken from him and some of the goals of the rebellion were met, such as taxes being lowered.
  • Great Awakening

    Puritans needed to regain power over the colonies, specifically New England.
    Preachers went to travel around the colonies to preach Puritan ideas and values to convert people in the 1730s.
    More people were converted and the puritans regained power and money from the new reliance from fear of the converted people.
  • French And Indian War

    There was a debate whether the ohio river valley was British territory or not.
    There were several skirmishes that caused destruction to a lot of fortresses and properties.
  • Treaty of Paris

    End of war, an agreement had to be signed/made.
    Treaty was created to certify that France lost all of their territory in North America.
    After the war, the territory belonged to Britain, but both the British and the colonists were mad and Britain was in a lot of debt.
  • Proclamation line of 1763

    Cause: The king did not want American colonists to go west of the Appalatia.
    Effect: King George lll assigned the Proclamation line of 1763 to prohibit them from settling there.
    Aftermath: Several other events came from Native tribes´ anger about their land, but the colonists did not settle further west because of the king´s action.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's native tribe known as the Ottowas, was upset about the land that was being taken from them.
    Effect: Pontiac led a period of resistance against the British and their control over land with his people that included, at Fort Detroit an uprising.
    Pontiac's mission remained unfufilled despite it lasting 5 months and the British remained in control of the great lakes and Ohio Valley.
  • Stamp Act

    Cause: This act was part of the punishment/intolerable acts for the colonies.
    Effect: Taxes were put on printed things - ads, playing cards, newspapers, legal papers, and diplomas.
    Aftermath: The colonists boycotted more British goods and businesses which caused the act to become repealed in 1766.
  • Quartering Act

    Cause: The Quartering Act was another act passed within the series of the Intolerable Acts.
    Effect: It required colonists to house soldiers in their own homes and to prioritize the well-being of the soldiers over their own families.
    Aftermath: More protests occurred, which were not successful, as the act was not repealed, however, it was replaced when the act expired in 1770.
  • Townshead Acts

    Cause: The colonists were further punished for their violent protests. Taxes were put on even more valued items.
    Effect: This act created even more taxes on common goods such as tea, lead, glass, and dyes.
    Aftermath: The colonists were even more furious and more tension was built that would lead up to the revolutionary war. More protests also sprouted from this act, which made the Townshead Acts become repealed, except for a small tax on tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Tension was growing; colonists were angry at British for such heavy taxes as well as the way they were being treated.
    A fight of a colonist and a British soldier escalated into a group of people in a skirmish.
    Media produced from the event started British and colonists' agendas using exaggerated expressions and words in articles to be used as a propoganda. It made more people turn against each other and got attention of people of higher positions in the British Crown.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists were furious about the large amounts of taxes that Britain placed on their everyday goods such as tea.
    Colonists dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor off of the ships in protest in attempt to get Britain to repeal the acts.
    Britain eventually repealed all of the acts except some of the tea taxes, as they still needed money to cover their war debts.
  • Tea Act

    Cause: Britain needed money to pay off war debts and figured that a commonly used item, tea, would work to get a lot of money.
    The colonists are required to buy/import tea only from East India Tea Co.
    Colonists boycott tea and most British services/goods in bigger cities like Phillidelphia. This act caused the Boston Tea Party and did not make Britain repeal the acts and instead caused the intolerable acts as punishment.
  • First Continental Congress

    The Intolerable Acts that were passed as a punishment for the colonists' violent behavior were the last straw for the colonists.
    The First Continental Congress was formed in order to plan change to separate from Britain.
    The Declaration of Resolves in 1774 was written/signed. It established how laws would work and how they would work in the relationship to the British parliament and also establish discussed/the determined human rights.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Cause: The colonists' protest of the Boston tea party created consequences granted by the British Crown.
    Effect: The Intolerable Acts were created to make the colonists even more mad and upset as a punishment for dumping tea. The punishments included closing Boston ports, passing another quartering act, and taking away the colonists' ability to self-rule.
    Aftermath: The colonists were even more upset, however, this united them and made them even more motivated to get independence.
  • Common Sense

    During the First Continental Congress, there was an idea discussed of the colonies separating from Britain.
    Effect: The pamphlet called "Common Sense" was made to list the reasoning of why being with Britain was not doing the colonies any good and it also listed everything wrong with the British government/crown.
    After reading this pamphlet, Paine's points listed had convinced colonists that it would be a good idea to go to war with Britain to become independent.