Revolution pic

Road To Revolution-Ezzo

By 16aezzo
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This law prohibited American Colonists from settling West of Appalachia
  • Sugar Act of1764

    Sugar Act of1764
    This act lowered taxes on molasses imported by the colonists
  • Currency Act of 1764

    Currency Act of 1764
    Act was passed by the British Parliament to forbid colonists from printing any sort of their own money. The colonists became angry, it practically gave control to the Parliament with the colonists money and banking. (paper currency)
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    This Act imposed taxes on almost all printed material, including newspapers, phamplets, playing cards. This picture is an actual primary source cartoon linked with the Stamp Act.
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    Quartering Act of 1765
    This Act ordered local government and American Colonies to provide housing and supplies and such for British Soldiers. This further angered the colonists. The colonists had to agree to giving quarters, food, and transportation to the Soldiers.
  • Stamp Act Congress 1765

    Stamp Act Congress 1765
    The Stamp Act Congress was when colonies met, and drafted a petition to the King and Parliament saying that the colonies could not be taxed except by their own assemblies. Sons Of Liberty Cartoon, Primary Source.
  • Declaratory Act of 1766

    Declaratory Act of 1766
    The Declaratory Act stated that the Parliament had the right to tax, and make decisions.
  • The Townsend Acts of 1767

    The Townsend Acts of 1767
    TThe Parliament passed the Townsend Act so that the new taxes were only applied to imported goods, such as glass, tea, and paper This picture is a quote in a picture made to the public by Simeon Coley about the Townsend Acts.