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Road To Revolution by Abdul Hassan 7

  • Cause 1: French and Indian War (1754-1763)

    Who fought on each side (don’t forget the allies): French with Native Americans vs. British Colonies (British Government) Where (territory-can be general) :North America When (dates: year to year): 1754-1763 Who won the war: British Colonies How is this a cause that led to war?: Great Britain is in huge debt due to financing war.King George sends troops to bard appalachian mountains to prevent conflict and war
  • Cause 2: Proclamation of 1763

    Cause 2: Proclamation of 1763 Who issued it: King George ||| Who did it affect: All 13 Colonies When: In October 7 1763 What did the Proclamation do to the colonies?: The Proclamation of 1763 was the first proclamation to affect all the 13 colonies How is this a cause that led to war?: The British Government forbade colonists into settling into western colonies forcing them to stay where they were.
  • Cause 4: Stamp Act 1764

    When was it enacted: 1764 How did it affect the colonists? It affected the French and Dutch West Indies How is this a cause that led to war?: When the British added more taxes they hoped it would be payed but instead many colonies turned to Rebels.This act Worried colonies and turned to the American Revolution.
  • Cause 5: Quartering Act of 1765

    When was it enacted: 1765 How did it affect the colonists? Required all colonies to build houses for british soldiers How is this a cause that led to war?: Colonies were forced to pay more taxes because of the british soldiers inside of their house and for the barracks of the army some colonies turned Rebels while being tarrifed
  • Cause 7: Boston Massacre of 1770

    Who:British Soldiers Where: In Boston Massachusetts When: On March 5 1770 What happened and why: Patriots were protesting their Grievances and also protesting to have remove british military from their colonies when british military felt threatened shot and killed several Boycotters How is this a cause that led to war?
    The Boston Massacre helped unite colonies to fight back against the British Colonies and helped start desirees for American Independence.
  • Cause 6: Tea Act 1773

    When was it enacted: 1773 How did it affect the colonists?
    Colonies wanted to reduce the amount of tea held by the British.
    How is this a cause that led to war?:
    Colonies did not want to pay so much just for war causing the boston tea party.This made many Colonies Rebels and therefore Boycott Great Britain and then the Intolerable Act was passed due to the aftermath of the Tea Act.
  • Boston Tea Party of 1773

    Who:Sons Of Liberty Where: Boston Harbor When: Dec.16 1773 What happened and why: Colonies were being Tariffed for the smallest things like tea and other needed goods Outcome/effect:
    The Intolerable act was passed banning anybody from using the harbor until the 340 chests of tea were payed for by
  • Cause 8: Intolerable Acts of 1774

    Who:British Where: Massachusetts When: March 31 1774 What happened and why: Due to the aftermath of the Boston Tea Party The British passed the Intolerable act they were meant to punish colonies for their Boycott and Protest for the Boston Tea Party. How is this a cause that led to war? Britain wanted to humiliate the colonies And this push was one of the Major reasons the American Revolution Happened in 1775