Road To Revolution

  • End of salutary neglect

    After the British won their war they were left with a heavy war debt after the French and Inidan war and couldn't keep up their practice of salutary neglect on the colonies.
    1) Increased taxes
    2) British troops left in America
    3) Enforcement by tax collectors
    4) George Grenville elected as finance minister
  • End of the French and Indian war

    This was a war between French/Indians and the British fought on colonial lands
    1) British blame colonies for war
    2) Britian in debt
    3) Restricted colonists from Ohio River Valley
    4) Enforcement of colonial laws
  • Stamp act congress

    This was the first colonial action against the British and was directed at the Stamp act that Britian preposed.
    1) Sons/Daughters of Liberty formed
    2) Boycotts
    3) Non-importation agreement
  • Boston Massacre

    A riot of American colonists broke out against British soliders hitting them with clubs and sticks causing the shoilders to shoot in self-defense kiling 7 colonists
    1) Even more distrust in the British from colonists
    2) Used as propaganda for independence for colonists
    3) Britian cooled down enforcement for 4 years
  • Boston tea party

    A protest against the Tea act that colonists dressed as indians and dumped tea in the Boston harbor to protest this act
    1) 1-3 million in today's currency of damage
    2) Britian sees as "threat to British rule"
    3) King George angry
    4) Established the Intolerable acts
  • 1st Continental Congress

    This was 12/13 delegates from each colony met in Philadelphia to discuss the colonies thoughts on British rule in response to the Intolerable acts.
    1) Boycotts
    2) Non-importation
    3) Blacklisted people who didn't follow
    4) Committees of correspondence to enforce
  • Lexington and Concord

    Colonial milita formed in Massachuttes. Britian reacted immediantly with a poor plan resulting in the "Shot heard 'round the world" with a fight between colonial milita and British soldiers.
    1) No longer secretive
    2) Find nothing in Lexington and Concord
    3) Morale boost for colonists
    4) 273 British casualties, 95 colonists casualties
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    A second congress forms with new faces. Radicals vs moderates, Recoiliation vs Independence and Petition vs independence. Impacts:
    1) Olive Branch petition sent to King George
    2) Radicals angry
  • Olive Branch petition

    Petition for peace between the colonists and the King sent to King George saying to cease fire in Boston, repeal acts and for the king to define colonial rights.
    1) King sees petition as a joke
    2) King decleares 13 colonies in a sate of rebellion
    3) Colonies start to bond
  • Decleration of Independence

    Jefferson authored a document that expressed the American mind and listed the rights and justifications of all men in Amercia that was sent to the King to tell the King that the Americans have had enough and demand independence and freedom.
    1) Read throughout the colonial army for morale boost
    2) The final straw and started the Revolutionary war