Road to Revolution 1760-1776

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war started in 1754 over some disputed territory between France and England. The war resulted in a 9 year long major conflict.
  • French and Indian war ends

    French and Indian war ends
    When the war ended France had to give up its claims in Canada, the Louisiana territory and many of its overseas colonies. And Spain gave up Florida. The war landed the UK in 60 million pounds of debt. So to make back the money the UK passed a bunch of taxes on the colonies.
  • The royal proclamation act of 1763

    The royal proclamation act of 1763
    This was a law that restricted the colonists from passing the Ohio river valley. This law was passed to stop the native Americans from attacking British forts.
  • The sugar act

    The sugar act
    This was a tax on imports for textiles, wine, coffee and sugar.
  • The currency act

    The currency act
    It was the prohibition of issuing new bills and reissuing of existing currency. As a result the colony’s currency saw a decline in its value.
  • The quartering act

    The quartering act
    This meant colonists had to pay for the food and lodging of British soldiers in the colonies.
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    The stamp act levied a tax on all legal documents and printed materials. Such as, newspapers and pamphlets to playing cards and dice.
  • The declaratory act of 1766

    The declaratory act of 1766
    This was a law passed on the colonies that said the British government could pass whatever law they wanted to.
  • The Boston massacre

    The Boston massacre
    It started when a few colonists were heckling a redcoat. More and more colonists joined in the heckling and more redcoats joined in support of their comrade. The colonists started throwing stuff at the soldiers, they started to feel threatened and they opened fire on the colonists. Five colonists were killed. Outspoken colonists claimed it was unjust murder of innocent civilians.
  • The Boston tea party

    The Boston tea party
    A group of colonists called ‘The Sons of Liberty’ raided a British ship that had imported tea from the East Indies. They threw 342 chests of tea overboard. This action caused the British government to blockade the Boston harbor and send 3,000 troops to the city.
  • Thomas Paine’s common sense

    Thomas Paine’s common sense
    In this document, Paine advocates for independence from Britain and the creation of a democracy. In the document he argues that a representational government is more effective than a monarchy or other forms of government. To this day it is the best selling document, proportionate to population.