Road To Revolution

  • French & Indian War

    French & Indian War
    Some cause of the war is land competition, Traditional enemies. There were many alliances with native tribes. Everyone wanted to control all of the N. American trade routes.
  • Proclamation Line

    The proclamation line was an invisible line that wasthe appalation mtns. It made it so the Americans couldn't travel near the Ohio River Valley. That effected the Americans because they couldn't get any beaver pellets that they sold for a lot of money.
  • Stamp Act (repealed 1766)

    Stamp Act (repealed 1766)
    The Stamp act was a direct tax paid from seperate items. They felt that the stamp act violated there rights. The Americans would boycott the items that the stamp act taxed until it was finally repealed in 1765.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    The Townshend act was a Tax on glass, paint, tea, ect.They expected to use the money to finance the troops in colonies. The townshend act was repealed after 4 years. (1770)
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    During the Boston Massacre 5 people got shot and killed. No body really knows who toke the first shot. The first shot was was fired either by the British or the Americans.
  • Intorlerable Acts.

    Intorlerable Acts.
    After the French & Indian war the colonists were pressed with greater taxes. This eventually lead to the Boston Tea party witch made the king very unhappy. one of the acts was the Quartering Act. This bill required that coloinal had to furnish barracks and supplies to the British troops.
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    Jefferson was te coosen auter of the Decleration of Independence. It expresses the American mind. Dickinson refused to sign the decleration of independence.