Road to Religious freedom

  • Religious Requirements 4 Voting

    there were two qualifications to vote; you had to be a grown man and own proper and be a member of the church
  • Pilgrims

    Arrived in 1620
    came for religious freedom
    Colonized plymouth, massachusetts
    were tolerant and very kind to natives
  • Puritans

    arrived in 1630
    came for religious freedom
    settled in mass bay
    NOT tolerant (don't allow any other religions)
  • Maryland

    come because they were being persecuted because of their religious beliefs
    settle in maryland
    Extremely tolerant
  • More Dissent in Mass Bay

    Roger Williamson was banished because he believed in separation of church and state. People in politics can not be heads of major churches.
    roger founds Rhode island
  • Dissent in Mass bay

    If you don't believe what the puritans aid then you were banished. 2 famous people that were banished were anne hutchinson and roger williamson Anne got banished because she asked questions about god .
  • Quakers

    Quakers believe in equality
  • Great Awakening

    Renewed interest in church and religion
  • Virginia Statues 4 Religious Freedom

    Going to make separation of church and state a requirement in all states.