Timeline 1

Road to Public Education

  • Free Public Schools

    Free Public Schools
    All states have laws requiring children to attend at least elementary school. The road to this achievement was a long journey. Massachusetts being the first state to make law like this in 1852.
  • Brown V Board of Education

    Brown V Board of Education
    Unanimous decision by the supreme court; which ruled that segregation in public schooling was unconstitutional. This ruling did not change discrimination, or desegregate public schooling instantly. But, it did pave the way for the future.
  • Free and Appropriate Education

    Free and Appropriate Education
    Free and Appropriate Education provided children with disabilities the services they needed. This provided them free schooling with the funding for whatever they needed to learn appropriately. This paved way for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which has been improved several times.
  • Funding from the Federal level

    Funding from the Federal level
    Funding from the federal government allows schools to get more, and better funding to help their school. Before states, and the local district completely funded their school. This caused huge differences in the quality of education students were receiving. Federal funding allows for more help for the poor districts.
  • Lau V Nichols

    Lau V Nichols
    The supreme court decided, unanimously, that students with limited english ability were not provided with appropriate supplemental language instruction. The ruling stated that public schools were violating the Civil Rights act of 1962, and need to provide these students with an equal education.