
Rise of Totalitarianism 1920's & 30's

  • Bolshevik Takeover

    Bolshevik Takeover
    Within a week of fighting armed factory workers joined sailors from the Russian fleet and attacked the Provisional Government and took over Moscow. They ended private ownership of land, gave workers the control of factories and mines, and created a new flag that symbolized union between peasant and workers.
  • Created Fascist Party

    Created Fascist Party
    Mussolini organized veterans and other disscontented Italians into the Fascist party. He promised to them to end corruption and replace turmoil with order.
  • Hitler Joins the NSDAP

    Hitler Joins the NSDAP
    Hitler joined the German Workers Party and started off as their propaganda manager. He later brought men from his army to join this party. Hitler became orator and it soon became clar that people were only joining the Party because of him. He changed the name to NSDAP (Nazi Party).
  • March on Rome

    March on Rome
    Tens of thousands of Fascists swarmed into Rome and demanded that the government make changes. King Victor Emmanuel III was overwhelmed and asked Mussolini to forma government as prime minister.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    This was fought between the Reds (Communist) and the Whites (citizens loyal to the Czar). Because of Lenin's War Communism Policy, the Whites surrendered. The Reds won the civil war and began to build the USSR.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The Nazi party attempted to overthrow the Bavarian Government in Munich and resulted in Hitler's imprisionment. From his cell he wrote what would later become the nazi bible, the Mein Kampf.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    This book was written by Hitler, while he was imprisoned and it would later become the bible for the Nazi's. Mein Kampf meant "my struggle" and detailed his Anti-semitism and imperialistic agenda.
  • NEP

    This New Economic Policy was adopted by Lenin that helped keep the Government in control over the large industries, such as banks and foreign trade. However, this Policy did allow for small business to reopen for private profit. This policy allowed the economy to become stable again.
  • Lenin's Death

    Lenin's Death
    Lenin died and his body would be displayed in a mausoleum in Red Scare for all to see. His death created a struggle for power between Salin and Trotsky.
  • Five Years Plan

    Five Years Plan
    This plan was Stalin's way of modernizing the Industrial power of the Soviet Union. The plan was made to build heavy industry, improve transportation, and increase farm output. To do this, the SOviet Union developed a Command Economy which meant the government owned all businesses.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    Japanese military leaders and ultranationalists felt that Japan should have an empire equal to those of the Western Powers. Japan's easy success strengthened the militarists,
  • Nazi Wins Majority in Election

    Nazi Wins Majority in Election
    After only recieving 2.6% of the national votes, just four years earlier, the Nazi Party became the largest in Germany with 37.3% of the national vote. This was because Hitler's nationalistic messages and the worldwide economic depression made people desperate.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler was armed with widespread support from voters and even the former chancellor. He was now poised to seize power from within German politics.
  • Great Purges

    Great Purges
    The Great Purge was Stalin's way of cracking down on people who he suspected may resent him. Stalin staged a series of pubic trials in Moscow and sent convicts to labore camps in Siberia known Kulags. About 4million people were exile and 800,000 were killed.
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Invasion of Ethiopia
    Italy invaded Ethiopia. Ethiopians resisted bravely but their outdated weapons were no match for Mussolini's tanks, machine guns, poison gas, and airplanes. Eventhough Ethiopians appealed to the League of Nations for help and sanctions against Italy for violating national law, the sanctions did not extend petroleum whihc is what fueled their modern warfare. By early 1936 Italy had conquered Ethiopia.
  • Collectivization

    Collectives were state owned farms and operated by peasants as a group. The peasants were oppesed to collectivization an acted violently on farm animals. Therefore, Stalin wanted to destroy the wealthy peasants, kulaks so he took their land and sent them to labor camps. The peasants only grew enough to feed themselves, so the government took all the grain away from them, leading to starvation. Collectivization was not as successful as Stalin had hoped it would be.
  • Remilitarizing Rhineland

    Remilitarizing Rhineland
    Hitler sent troops into Rhineland, which was another treaty violation from 1919. The area belonged to Germany but lay on the frontier within France. HItler's successful challenge of the treaty (Versailles) increased his popularity in Germany.
  • Rape of Nanjing

    Rape of Nanjing
    Japanese armies overran much of Eastern China. They invaded China's capital. They raped and killed women.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    France and Britain cave dinto Hitler's demands and persuaded the Czechs to surrender the Sudentenland without a fight. In exchange, Hitler assured Britain and France that he had no further plans for expansion.
  • Sudetenland

    Britain and France were not willing to go to war to save Czechoslovakia, instead they seareched for a peaceful solution. However Hitler increased his price and said that Sudetenland must be annexed by Germany.
  • Anschluss-Austria

    Hitler forced the Austrialian Chancellor to apoint Nazi's to key cabinet posts in the Austrialian Government. The Anschluss violated the Treaty of versailles and created a brief war scare. Since the Western Democracies chose appeasment, Hitler easily had his way.
  • Signing of Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo Axis

    Signing of Berlin, Rome, and Tokyo Axis
    Germany, Italy, and Japan agreed to fight Soviet communism and not to interfere with one another's plan for expansion. This agreement cleared the way for these anti-democratic, aggressor powers to take even a bigger step to bring other nations under their control.
  • Nazi Soviet Non-Agression Pact

    Nazi Soviet Non-Agression Pact
    Hitler and Stalin signed this non-agression pact. Secretly the two men agreed to not fight if the other went to war and to divide up Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe between them.