Rise of Totalitarianism

  • Bolshevik Takeover

    Bolshevik Takeover
    By November 1917 the Provisional Government was in complete collapse. In the meantime, the Bolshevik party, helped by German money and had built up an efficient party organisation. When Lenin moved to take over, the Provisional Government was unable to stop him.
  • Russian Civil War Begins

    Russian Civil War Begins
    The civil war occurred because after November 1917, many groups had formed that opposed Lenin’s Bolsheviks.
  • Fascist Party is Founded

    Fascist Party is Founded
    Mussolini created a new right-wing organization advocated Italian nationalism, had black shirts for uniforms, and launched a program of terrorism and intimidation against its leftist opponents.
  • Hitler joins NSDAP

    Hitler joins NSDAP
    The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi
  • March on Rome

    March on Rome
    This took place when Mussolini took the throne of Italy.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    Hitler writes Mein Kampf
    The book was originally entitled Four Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice. Hitler's publisher reduced it to My Struggle (Mein Kampf). The book is a mixture of autobiography political ideas and an explanation of the techniques of propaganda.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The Beer Hall Putsch of November 1923, or the Munich Putsch, was Hitler’s attempt to overthrow the Weimar government of Ebert and establish a right wing nationalistic one in its place.
  • Death of Lenin

    Lenin, the architect of the October Revolution and the "leader of the world's proletariat," died.
  • Five Year Plan

    The first Five Year Plan concentrated on the development of iron and steel, machine-tools, electric power and transport.
  • Collectivization of Agriculture

    Agriculture is developing slowly, comrades. This is because we have about 25 million individually owned farms. They are the most primitive and undeveloped form of economy We must do our utmost to develop large farms and to convert them into grain factories for the country organised on a modem scientific basis.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    In 1931, the Japanese Kwangtung Army attacked Chinese troops in Manchuria in an event commonly known as the Manchurian Incident. Essentially, this was an attempt by the Japanese Empire to gain control over the whole province, in order to eventually encompass all of East Asia.
  • Majority votes Nazi

    Majority votes Nazi
    Federal elections were held in Germany on 5 March 1933. The Nazis registered a large increase in votes again emerging as the largest party by far, nevertheless they failed to obtain absolute majority. Thanks to the success in the poll, the party leader Adolf Hitler - appointed Chancellor since 30 January - was able to pass the Enabling Act on 23 March, which effectively gave him the power of a dictator.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    It was thought that it would be better for Hitler to work inside of the government than aggitate it from the outside.
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Invasion of Ethiopia
    It was a brief colonial war that is also remembered in history as the second Italo-Abyssinian war. Mussolini, who was the leader of Italy, had his eye set on annexing Ethiopia into Italy’s newly created colony of East Africa.
  • Creation of Berlin-Tokyo-Rome Axis

    The creation of the Axis Berlin-Rome-Tokyo changed the political situation in the world in favour of the rough states.
  • Re-militarization of Rhineland

    Re-militarization of Rhineland
    Hitler marched 22,000 of his troops onto demilitarised land breaking not only the Treaty of Versailles but also the Locarno Pact.
  • "Great Purges"

    The Great Purges refers to collectively related campaigns of political repressions and persecution in the Soviet Union orchestrated Joseph Stalin during the 1930's which removed all of remaining opposition of power.
  • Rape of Nanjing

    tensions between Chinese troops and Japanese troops engaged in military exercises on occupied Chinese territory produced an exchange of firing near Beijing.
  • Anschluss

    It was the occupation and annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    The Munich Agreement was an agreement permitting the Nazi German annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. The Sudetenland were areas along Czech borders, mainly inhabited by ethnic Germans.
  • Capture of Sudentenland

    Capture of Sudentenland
    Germany invaded Czechoslovakia.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact

    In order to avoid making the same mistake as in WWI, Hitler planned ahead and made a pact with the Soviets - the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.