
rise of totalitarianism

  • Russian war begins

    Russian war begins
    The Russian Civil War was a multi-party war in the former Russian Empire fought between the Bolshevik Red Army and the White Army, the loosely allied anti-Bolshevik forces
  • creation of faciast party

    creation of faciast party
    This was a symbol of authority in ancint Rome. Mussolini talked about reviving roman greatness in his speeches. He organized veterans and other discontented Italians into the Fascist party.
  • Hitler Joins NSDAP

    Hitler joined a small group of right wing extremists. In a year, he was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers, or Nazi Party. His Nazi "Storm Troopers" fought against communists and enemies.
  • NEP

    an economic policy proposed by Vladimir Lenin, who called it state capitalism. Allowing some private ventures
  • march on rome

    march on rome
    Fascists made a bid for power. They demanded that the government make changes. Tens of thousands of Fascists chanted "onto Rome" as they swarmed into the capital.
  • beer hall putsch

    Hitler's attempt to overthrow the weimer government of Ebert and establish a right wing nationalistic one in its place.
  • mein kampf

    mein kampf
    Means " My Struggle." Written by Hitler while in jail and it was the "Holy book of Nazi goals and ideology.
  • lenin's death

    lenin's death
    a Russian Marxist revolutionary and communist politician
  • 5 year plan

    5 year plan
    series of nation-wide centralized economic plans in the Soviet Union.
  • collectivation of agreculture

    collectivation of agreculture
    The goal of this policy was to consolidate individual land and labour into collective farms
  • invasion of Manchuria

    invasion of Manchuria
    when Manchuria was invaded by the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan. The Japanese established a puppet state, called Manchukuo, and their occupation lasted until the end of World War II.
  • nazi win majority

    nazi win majority
    With the government paralyzed by divisions, Nazi's and Communists won more seats in the reichstag, which is the lower house of the legislature.
  • hitler becomes chancelor

    hitler becomes chancelor
    Conservative politicians decided that Hitler must become chancellor. They said he was a vulgar rabble-rouser but planned to use him for their own ends.
  • invasion of ethiopia

    invasion of ethiopia
    Also remembered in history as the second Italo-Abyssinian war, Mussolini wanted to annex Ethiopia into one of Italy's newly created colonies in East Africa. Italy occupied Ethiopia but the Abyssinians did not surrender to the Italian forces.
  • hitler re-militerizes the rhineland

    hitler re-militerizes the rhineland
    The Treaty of Versailles had prevented Germany from having armed forces in the area of Germany between the Rhine river & France or Belgium. Hitler marched 22,000 of his troops into this area even though he was not supposed to.
  • the great purge

    the great purge
    The Great Purge was a series of campaigns of political repression and murder in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Joseph Stalin from.
  • rape of nanjing

    rape of nanjing
    a mass murder, and war rape that occurred during the six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city of
  • Anschluss

    Union of Austria and Germany. This also violated the treaty of Versailles and created a brief war scare.
  • munich conferance

    munich conferance
    British and French leaders again chose appeasement. Hitler assured them both that he had no further plans for expansion.
  • Capture of Sudetenland

    Capture of Sudetenland
    Hitler persuaded the Czechs to surrender the sudetenland without a fight while at the Munich conference.
  • berlin rome tokyo axis

    berlin rome tokyo axis
    a military alliance in under the Pact of Steel, with the Tripartite Pact of leading to the integration of the military aims of Germany and its two treaty-bound allies.
  • nazi soviet non-agression pact

    nazi soviet non-agression pact
    signed in Moscow, under which the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany each pledged to remain neutral in the event that either nation were attacked by a third party.