Rise of the Roman Republic

  • 509 BCE

    509 B.C.E

    509 B.C.E
    The Romans had overthrown the Etruscans and then they created a republic with elected leaders
  • 494 BCE

    494 B.C.E

    494 B.C.E
    it was a problem where the patricians held all the power and the plebeians followed their rules but then they ​fought for their rights.
  • 451 BCE

    451 B.C.E

    451 B.C.E
    plebians gained some rights in the government but the patricians still had more power than the plebians. in 451 plebians ordered that the laws had to be written down, patricians agreed and they write the laws in the twelve tables. ​
  • 287 BCE

    287 B.C.E

    287 B.C.E
    finally, plebians gained their rights so they passed laws for all Roman​ citizens
  • 161 BCE

    616 B.C.E

    616 B.C.E
    during this time Etruscans ruled Rome the patricians were the upper class and plebians were the lower class. the patricians had the right to elect the "father of state" that was the person who advises the King. ​