revolutionary war jayden frazier

  • proclamtion of 17763

    proclamtion of 17763
    this document was issued by king george the 3 followin great britians aquisition of french territory in north america
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    the sugar act was a modified version of the sugar and mallasses act witch was wheere colonist had to pay six pence per gallon on the import of forign mallases
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    the stamp act is where the british placed an act that put a tax on all paper
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    the boston masacre is where the british army kild 5 male colonist and injured 6
  • tea act

    tea act
    this is where the british put a tax on all british tea that went to the colonies
  • noston tea party

    noston tea party
    this is when the colonist dressed up as native americans and went to the harbor and dumped all the british tea into the ocean
  • continental congress

    continental congress
    a conviention called together of the delactes of the 13 colonies
  • battle of lexington and concord

    battle of lexington and concord
    this was the militarys first real engagement in war
  • decloration of independence

    decloration of independence
    the declorationm listed all the rights of the people and was the main step of breaking away from the british