Revolution TImeline

  • Russia

    The people overthrew the czar. Than the totalitarian Belsheviks overthrew the democracy.
    They revolted because they wanted more power and they didn't like how the democracy was defending their country.
    The government couldn't really respond because they were short on a lot of resources and people because World War I had just occured.
  • India

    Mohandes K. Ghandi and others revolted.
    They revolted because of the english salt monopoly.
    The government broke up because of all of the following issues and independence grew in India.
  • Egypt

    King Farouk was driven out of power by the people, but while the decision was being made for a new government, democracy was thrown out by the officer caste.
    Egypt stayed as a military dictatorship.
  • Cuba

    Fidel Castro and the middle-class movement overthrew the corrupt American-backed dictator.
    They revolted because they were upset with the corrupt and American-backed dictator.
    The government was taken over and couldn't respond. Firing squads on Fidel Castro's side took care of anyone who opposed them.
  • Nicuragua

    Radicals which included the middle class overthrew the American-backed government.
    These people felt like they were being abused by the governement and they felt that the government was corrupt.
    They were opposed by people whose group name translated into opposite Sandanistas. This group was backed by the Reagan administration.
  • Eastern Europe

    Poland, East Germany, and Czechoslovakia broke free from the Soviet Union peacefully.
    They broke free because they felt that the Soviet government had to much power over them.
    Some countries easily broke free and formed their own governments, but others, like Russia still continue to have governments similar to that of the Soviet Union.
  • Lebanon

    A large percentage of Lebanon's population revolted.
    They revolted because they wanted Syria's troops out of their country. The people believed that Syria instigated the killing of their former prime minister.
    The protests made the troops leave Lebanon and the pro-Syrian government to crumble.
  • Egypt

    The radicals of Egypt revolted.
    They revolted because they felt that their dictator was being unfair and harsh. They wanter more rights and a stronger say in government along with more freedoms.
    The military took over as the government after this and their former dictator died.