Revenue Acts

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    There were boundaries for the indians and colonist between the appalachian mountains
    the colonists just didn't care about the agreement and went over there anyways
    the government moved the line back more in 1768
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    the colonists had to start paying three pence for pound of sugar and other imported products as tax for the British government
    the colonists protested against it saying it wasn't fair they had to pay for a tax because they had no say in it
    the taxes on this act were lowered two years later
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The colonists had to have everything that was paper stamped whether it was just imported or they had it already
    Colonists rebelled by burning things and resisting the act
    the repealed the act in 1766
  • the timeshed act

    the timeshed act
    put a tax on imports going in and out of the colonies
    the colonies wrote a letter causing all the colonists to start boycotting british goods
    The British send soldiers down to the colonies to watch the colonists
  • the Boston Massacre

    the Boston Massacre
    a boy was rude to a british soldier
    boys and others started throwing snowballs with ice at the soldiers
    soldiers fired there guns even though the captain didn't say to and the soldiers killed five people