Revenue Acts

  • Currency Act

    Prohibited the issue of new bills of credit by Ne England colonies. Enforced to control currency depreciation against silver and sterling an to ensure its value.
  • Sugar Act

    Putting Tarrifs on sugar, wine, coffee and other goods imported. The people were angry because they felt asthough they had no representatives in parliment.
  • Stamp Act

    Taxes were placed on any printed materials produced and sold by the colonies. Colonists organized a protest that soon turned violent. They petitioned to repeal the act and in 1766 the act was revoked
  • Declaratory Act

    Act gave Great Britain complete control to pass any laws over the American Colonies. Over time the colonists became angry with the act
  • Townshed Revenue Act

    Put a duty tax on all imported items(tea, coffee, silk, paper, paint, glass). The Townshed Act led to the Boston Massacre because the colonists were so furious.