Untitled rev

Revalutionary War

  • Boston masacre

    Boston masacre
    the colonist kept taunting the british causing the britis soldier to fire causing a chain reaction of all of the other solders to fire.
  • Bosten Tea Party

    Bosten Tea Party
    the patriots dressed up as indions and dumped 362 chests of tea intop the harbor.
  • First Continetal Congress

    First Continetal Congress
    The First Continetal congress talked about many issues and even about the main issue of taxation without represetation, and independence.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    an american victory and we saved most of the amunition.
  • Paul Reveres ride

    Paul Reveres ride
    Paul Revere warned some members of the continetal congress and told them to hide the weapons supply becasue the british were coming.
  • Declaring Independence

    Declaring Independence
    this was the most importand document out there that called for indapendance from england.
  • Battle of New York

    The battle of New York was a british victory when they trapped Goerge Washingtion on Long Island and he barley escaped.
  • Battle of Princton

    Battle of Princton
    lord cornwallis men got surrounded by us and the USA won that battle also.
  • Battle of Brandywine

    Washingtons troops were confused because of different scout reports and were defeated by the british.
  • Battle of Trenton

    the battle of trenton was one of the most important wins for the americans.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    the USA won this battle also by trapping the british at the end of the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This Treaty of Paris ended the war and the USA had won. It stated that england had to recanize America as there own nation and gave them the 13 colonies and the territory they fough for and won in the Frech and Indian war.