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Renaissance Inventions.

  • Jan 1, 1300


    Clocks.- Made in the early 1300’s by Galileo, an Italian scientist. Galileo made the clock so he could measure time.
  • Jan 1, 1352

    Spectacles or Eyeglasses

    Spectacles or Eyeglasses
    Spectacles or eyeglasses.Made in 1352 by Italians. They were made for the benefit of poor old people who’s sight is weak.
  • Jan 1, 1436

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Printing Press.- Made in 1436 by a German named Johannes Gutenberg. The Printing Press was made because everyone had to copy everything by hand. The Bible was the first book to be ‘mass produced’.
  • Jan 1, 1496


    Wallpaper.- In 1496 the first paper mill came to England. English artist soon made wallpaper decorated with decorations.
  • Jan 1, 1578


    Submarine.- Made by Leonardo da Vinci in 1578. He made this ship for war.
  • Lenses

    Lenses (Microscopes and Telescopes).- Invented by the Netherlands in 1590 to see things up close or far away.
  • Thermometer

    Thermometer.- Made by Galileo in 1593. He made it so he could measure temperature.
  • Flush Toilet

    Flush Toilet
    The Flush Toilet.- John Harrington, (Godson of Queen Elizabeth), invented the first flush toilet in 1596. It was later re-invented by Alexander Cummings, though his was most commonly called the water closet.
  • Match

    Match.- The first match was made in 1826 by English chemist John Walker to make things light on fire.
  • Gunpowder

    Gunpowder.- Made in 850 A.D. The Chinese later on used gunpowder to launch fireworks and they also used gunpowder in guns.